Chapter 25: Bon Voyage

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Chapter 25: Bon Voyage and finding peace

April 1rst, 2016

Serenity was laying in bed going over the details of the Bon Voyage trip. They would be leaving on May 15th and returning on the 25th. She hoped that the members would enjoy it. She wanted to give them this trip as a gift for their third anniversary. It was a trip through Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Some of the members wanted to experience a road/backpacking trip like many young people their age. Serenity began researching countries they could do this in. She had always wanted to go to Norway, to experience her father's culture. At first, Big Hit wasn't on board, until she pitched it as a travel show that the group can take once a year and they could sell it on their viewing platform V-app at a price. Everything came down to money. She said she would pay for the plane tickets, spending money, and all other expenses, under the condition that she got to decide what they do. So here she was, finalizing the hostels, and RV for the trip.

The members had the Puma Fansign Event on the 2nd and then a whole two weeks with no schedules until the 16th. The Lotte Global Leading Fanmeeting was on the 16th. Most of the members decided to go home to visit their families and friends. Serenity took the time to catch up on work, finalize videos to be released over the next few months and spend quality time with Lucas.

April 8th, 2016

Serenity had just finished cleaning, took a shower, and got dressed when her doorbell rang. It was only noon, so she wasn't expecting anyone. Shawn was picking up Lucas from school to take him to TaeKwonDo and to have a treat, then they would be back by dinner. Serenity went to the door and peeked out to see Hoseok standing there. She opened the door. "Hey Ren, I was hoping we could go to lunch and maybe go shopping," he says. Serenity was surprised, "I thought you went home for the break", she replied. He smiled, "I did, but I was bored, so I came back to just relax here. So, are you busy?", he asked. Serenity shook her head, "I'm not, but Lucas and Shawn are gonna be back by six for dinner. You can join us if you want, it's just homemade burgers and fries", she replied. Hoseok beamed at her, "Great, grab your stuff, let's go to Myeongdong", he happily said. Serenity grabs her purse, phone, and sunglasses. She sends a text to Shawn to let him know. Hoseok opens her car door and they head off. They spent the day shopping, eating street food and just walking around. Hoseok was happy he got to spend the first day with her. They talked and laughed. He loved her, but friends were better than nothing. She told him about her self-love journey and her worries. He had never seen her this determined. They headed back to her house and had dinner with Lucas and Shawn.

The next day, the doorbell rang just after Serenity had finished her daily cleaning, workout, and dropping Lucas at school. This time Jin was happily waiting with flowers and a Lucario plushie. Serenity chuckled and welcomed him inside. Serenity was baking goods for Lucas's school bake fair at the end of the day. Lucas was bragging to his classmates about how good his mom's desserts were, which led to the other mothers begging her to help out. It was like a fair. People would pay an entrance fee, get to grab a container, and select one dessert from the 10 tables inside. "I'm afraid I'm not free today, I have a ton of baking and stuff to do", she said as she began her cookie batter in the mixer for her mouse cakes. Jin smiled and grabbed an extra apron. "I know, I came to help where I can and to go with you. Maybe this handsome face can get the goods to go fast and me, you and Lucas can go see a movie and have dinner", Jin replied. Serenity sighed, "Jin, I appreciate your help, but that sounds like a date", she replied. Jin waved his hands back and forth. "Nope, Not a date, just two friends and one's son having a fun time out", he hurriedly said. Serenity nodded and began baking away. She knew something was up, but wouldn't say anything as long as they didn't cross the line. She set all four of her ovens to preheat and got to work, with Jin's help of course. By 2 pm all the desserts were loaded into the car and they were on their way to Lucas's school.

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