Chapter Seven: Ice Queen enters

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June 17th, 2013

Serenity woke up at four in the morning. Her head was pounding from her restless sleep. She crawled out of bed and headed to the bathroom to put on her workout clothes. Like a zombie, she headed down to the hotel gym, figuring a long workout would clear her head. Three hours later she came back to the room and showered. After getting ready she walked into the living room and kissed Lucas on the head. He was eating bacon and eggs watching Pokemon. Shawn sipped his coffee and lifted his eyes to greet her. He eyed her up and down and set down his coffee.

"What up, Ren? Why are you dressed like that?", he asked sternly.

Serenity met his eyes, "what do you mean, I'm dressed for my meeting with Big Hit", she replies coldly.

Shawn shakes his head, "what happened, why are you in ice queen mode?", he inquires.

Serenity just shrugs, and walks to the kitchen
To make her coffee.

Shawn stands behind her and waits. Serenity rests her hand on the counter and sighs, "they questioned my intentions Shawn, I get it, they have to be cautious, but I have not given them any reason to throw my kindness back in my face like that", she whispers.

He embraces her from behind and nuzzles into her neck.

"Ren, they have probably had people break their trust in the past, only people who are broken assume the worst, look at yourself for example", he explains.

Serenity nods and turns to hug him back.

"Please don't let this small set back put out that light that has awakened in the last week, I finally got my Renni back after all this time", he continued.

Serenity shrugs again and looks to her son. He is her savior, he brought her back to life after what Jared did to her. She is who she is because of him, he makes her better.

"Just promise me that this set back isn't permanent, I understand it yes, but bounce back, I know you can", Shawn adds.

"It won't be, I just need to prove a point Shawn", she says.

He shakes his head, "heaven help those boys", he jokes.

Serenity chuckles back. She looks at the clock and grabs her bag to head down to the lobby.

She puts on her sunglasses and exits to the car waiting with Sejin. He greets her and she replies with a nod. He eyes her look and she swears she sees him shiver.

The drive is silent until they reach Big Hit. Serenity sees Jin standing outside holding a to-go cup and a small bag. He sees the car pull up and opens her door. He stares at her and bows "Good morning, Noona" he beams but looks at her warily.

"It's Serenity, Morning Seokjin", she replies.

He sighs, "I got you an americano and a Danish", he says holding out his hands.

Serenity eyes the offering, "I've had breakfast already, no thank you" she replies and proceeds to walk into the building.

Sejin parks the car and comes running up to Jin, "what did you guys do?" He yells.

" We questioned her motives", Jin sadly replies, still holding the peace offering in his hands.

Sejin is speechless. He shakes his head, "I hope she didn't change her mind" he thinks, staring at the woman speaking to her lawyer in the building.

They walk in to see Yeji approaching Serenity with a coffee. She greets Serenity and gives the drink to her with Serenity thanking her in return. Jin frowns looking at his hands holding the coffee and danish.

RM comes around the corner and approaches Serenity. Jin and Sejin are waving frantically in the background to get his attention.

"Good Morning Ren Noona, may I have a word before you go to the meeting?"he asked, smiling.

Serenity stares back at him, " It's Serenity, and I'm afraid I dont have time, if you will excuse us", she answers and has Yeji show her and her lawyer to the elevator.

Namjoon is stunned, he turns towards Jin and Sejin.

"We tried to warn you, RM", Jin says.

"Damn, is it cold in here", RM replies.

"We better warn the others," he adds.

In Bang Si Hyuk's office everything is going smoothly, they are going through each page of the contract and within the hour Serenity signs it and her lawyer hands over a direct deposit receipt for fifty million dollars from her bank in Korea that she opened last week.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Ms. Adam's", Bang Si Hyuk's lawyer, stands and shakes her hand. Serenity agrees and thanks him back shaking his hand.

Serenity turns to her own lawyer and shakes his hand as well before both lawyers exit the room.

Bang Si Hyuk holds out his hand towards her chair and she sits back down. He looks over her appearance and sighs.

"What did my boys do?", he asks.

Serenity looks down, " I don't blame them, well that's a lie but I know that in this business they are right to question my motives for wanting to help them. However, I was hoping that they trusted me more than to accuse me of having ulterior motives", she replies.

"So the cold persona, it's your defense mechanism because they hurt your feelings?", he asks blankly.

Serenity stares off for a second to think how to word her reply.

"It's not so much a persona as it is me, but the me that doesn't allow bullshit to affect her, like a switch, I turn it on or off '', she replies.

Bang-nim nods, "alright, it's not permanent right?", he asks.

" I hope not", Serenity replies.

Hoseok is standing outside the office. He listens to everything being said, "we will make it right Noona", he says and walks to the elevator.

Yeji shows Serenity her new office and her new schedule that will begin in a few months. She asked for a short time to get everything sorted and find a place for her, Lucas and her mother.

Serenity finishes what she needs to and heads back to the elevator to go back to the hotel. The doors open and there are Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung standing in the elevator. She steps aside to let them off but they shake their heads saying they forgot something downstairs. Serenity debates whether or not to wait for the next elevator or take the stairs.

She rolls her eyes and steps into the lift with the three guys. Taehyung steps closer to her and she instantly steps back

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to give you a hug", he said.

Serenity nods, "I'm afraid that would be inappropriate, so no thank you", Serenity replied.

She can see the hurt bloom in his eyes and regrets her harsh words.

"Damnit, I can't stand this, Noona we are sorry!", Jimin blurts out.

Serenity breathes harshly, " it's Serenity, and it's fine, I still signed the contract, you don't have to worry about losing my monetary support, please excuse me", she replies and goes running out of the lift.

All three of them watch her as she quickly exits the building, they hurry behind her but she quickly jumps into the car with Sejin and he drives off.

All three stand in front of the building and watch as the car disappears. She is still going to be part of the company. Jungkook lets out a sigh, "let's go tell the hyung's that she still signed the contract", he says and they make their way into the building.

Two months, that's how long they have to come up with a plan to get Serenity back to how she was before with them. Something tells them she is going to fight it, but they want their Angel back.

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