Chapter Nine: The swing of things

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Serenity had settled into her role at Big Hit nicely. She worked hard and always made it a point to visit the members at least for a few minutes each day. Periodically certain members would seek her out on their own to have some quality time with her. Yoongi and RM were regular visitors to her office and Jin always stopped by to give her a drink or treat. Hoseok would call her down to show her new choreography that he was working on and Yoongi would drag her to his studio to get input on a new song. The three youngest would pop in at her house to hang out with her and Lucas and movie nights would typically be the norm.

Yes, she was settling into her new lifestyle happily.

The boys comeback season arrived and the trailer video and concept photos were released with great reception. The rookie king teaser video was also released and that's where Serenity was, with the production crew editing video.

Tomorrow they would shoot the full N.O. music video and it was Jungkook's birthday. He was turning 16. He was still so young, Serenity thought.

She finished up with the rookie king and made her way back to her office. Yoongi was sitting outside talking with Yeji when she came around the corner.

He lit up in her presence. "Hey, I was hoping to catch you",he said.

"What's up?"Serenity replied.

"Want to join me for dinner?", he asked.

Serenity paused and stared at him, "just us?"she asked.

He nodded and put his hands in his pockets.

Serenity found it adorable. "Sure, just let me let my mother know", she replied.

He jumped and gave a huge gummy smile, "great, I'll meet you downstairs in fifteen minutes? He asked.

Serenity nodded and walked into her office. She phoned her mother and grabbed her coat and bag. She made her way to the lobby.

As she rounded the corner by the reception desk she noticed security there with three women. Serenity walked over, "is there a problem?", she asks.

"No Ms. Adam's, just some fans that tried to get in with fake passes", he said.

Serenity nods and waits for Yoongi. Soon enough he walks out with Hoseok next to him. The women go nuts and try to get past the guards. After a struggle they finally got them out of the building.

"Maybe I should just meet you there", Serenity says quietly so that the crazed fans don't see her leave with any of the members.

"Sounds good, Hoseok is joining us", Yoongi replies and gives her the restaurant name and address.

Serenity smiles and nods as she makes her way out of the building to her car. She notices the three women standing outside of the gate.

"Who the hell is she, why is she allowed in the building?" One of them screeches.

Serenity ignores them and jumps in her car. She pulls out of the parking space and greets the attendant at the gate. They allow her through. Just as she is about to turn away from the gate her back window shatters. Serenity ducks down and puts the car in park. The gate attendant closes the gate and rushes to her car. Serenity jumps out of her car and sees the three women by the back.

"Ms. Adam's are you hurt?", security says as they run out of the building.

"I'm fine Juho, call the police", Serenity says.

The three women try to run away but other security guards come and apprehend them.

She sends a text to Yoongi that she won't make dinner and explains why.

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