Chapter 11: Japan and reconciliation

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 October 23rd, 2013

Serenity was packed and waiting for the taxi to pick her up. She had spent the entire day with Lucas and her mother yesterday. They went shopping and to the park. She was unhappy any time she had to go out of the country and be away from them. 

Just as she grabbed her travel bag and suitcase the taxi pulled up. Sejin rushed to help her with her bag and loaded it into the taxi. The three youngest members awaited her in the van. Taehyung greeted her and pulled her into the seat next to him. She was most comfortable with the three recently, she would have lunch or breaks with them. Yet, as soon as any of the older four showed up she made an excuse to rush back to work. They had still not apologized for thier rudeness at her harmless interaction with Gdragon. She had lunch with him and dinner twice since then, he became a little more than just a business contact. They had a personal conversations as well, he knew about her son and hoped to meet Lucas soon. He would message or call her every other day. 

The ride to the airport passed quickly, the boys headed out and as usual Serenity waited until they had mostly entered the airport before she herself and her bodyguard followed. The crowds were not as bad this time and Serenity even posed for a few pictures with her growing fanbase. She adored the fact that some of the bands fans truly loved her for taking care of them. A young girl held her hand and placed it on her heart. Serenity stayed there a few more minutes before her guard pulled her away. 

She made her way through check in and security. She was walking towards the gate when she noticed a coffee shop. She stop for snacks and drinks for herself and her travel companions. She made her way towards Sejin and the youngest three band members and gave them thier drinks and snacks while her guard did the same to the older four men. She sat next to Jimin and pulled out her kindle to read. Jungkook came to sit on the other side and leaned his head on her shoulder. Serenity patted his face and smiled. 

Across the isle Jin stared at his three youngest members and Serenity. He missed her so much, she would be cordial to him and Hoseok. Yet she pretty much ignored Namjoon and Yoongi completely. He knew they had still not apologized for what they said. It was over a week now. He could see it was really bothering them, Namjoon would longingly stare at Serenity when she wasnt paying attention. If she did catch him she would give him a forced smile and nod. 

Yoongi was a whole other story, he was blatantly grumpy and had lost sleep. He would work in his studio most nights and hardly eat unless Serenity personally brought him food and made him eat. She would sit there until he finished everything, then clean up and leave with hardly saying anything. Jin felt horrible for his friends. 

They knew about her growing friendship with Gdragon and none of them liked it. He had intentions that the band hated. They could see the lustful way he and a few of his Big Bang members would look at her. But they were not sure why it bothered them so much. 

Jin was broken out of his daze just then the announcement for first class was called and they all made thier way to the plane. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung were all on one side by the windows. Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok were on the other side. He saw Sejin sit in the middle row and assumed that Noona would sit next to him and one of the guards next to himself. He put his bag in the overhead and settled into his seat. He placed his headphones over his ears and began pulling his phone out. Just then a rustling came next to him and he looked up to see Serenity settling into the seat next to him. He was ecstatic, he grinned widely and looked at the older members. Hoseok smiled as well, while Yoongi and Namjoon stared at him in envy. 

Serenity pulled out her kindle and continued to read. "What are you reading?", he asked. Serenity smiled as she showed Jin her kindle. 

"Its called me before you, I just started it. I needed a break from philosophical books. I just finished metamorphosis by Kaftka and was going to read Kaftka on the shore, but I wanted a break in between", she said. Jin nodded, "I have not heard of it, is it good?'' He replied elated that he is able to have a conversation with her. 

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