Chapter 19: The most beautiful moment in life Part 1

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Chapter 19: The most beautiful moment in life Part 1

Comeback season was upon us! The members were working 24/7 on their mini album release of The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Pt 1. It was set to release at the end of the month. The month started out with dance practices and vocal practices and getting ready for the filming of both music videos "I need u" and "Dope."

April 8th, 2015

The members had little to no free time, and Serenity was worried they would exhaust themselves. The court case between her, Bang Si Hyuk, and the choreographer was tomorrow. The big entertainment companies were under heavy investigation for abuse towards their idols. The media spotlight was beaming on her as the face of change in the way entertainment companies need to care for their groups and not exploit them. There were new dispatch stories daily about who she was, what she did, and so on. One even went as far as going overseas to Colorado to "get the dirt" on her. Serenity laughed at their efforts. All they got were a few disgruntled ex friends and random fame seekers who Serenity doesn't even remember knowing. Then came the story of her ex. Jared played the broken-hearted victim role well. Until Serenity countered with an interview of the truth. She didn't hate Jared, but she was damn sure not going to let him throw dirt on her or Lucas. She provided proof of his surrendering his parental rights, letters from his family supporting her, and records of his abuse and infidelity. Serenity stared at her computer, smirking at the thought of Jared crawling back into the hole he came from. Unfortunately, the members would ask non-stop about her past relationship. They wanted to know why she stayed so long with him. Bottom line, Serenity was not the same person she was five years ago. She walled herself up in order to protect herself and her son. Shawn had moved to Korea last month. He bought an apartment not far from the guys' dorm. He was a regular at her house at night. The members were bothered by that as well. The three youngest thought that Shawn was in love with Serenity and didn't like him around all the time. The jealousy and non-stop inquiries had her on edge, and Serenity had just had enough.

The next morning, Serenity woke up, worked out, and got the members' meal bags and Lucas breakfast and lunch ready before she headed out to the courthouse. Bang nim met her there with the Big Hit lawyers and her personal lawyer. "Good Morning Ren, Hopefully today is the end of this whole ordeal."Bang nim said. Serenity nodded as they made their way into the courthouse past the large crowd outside. Shouts surrounding them were a mixture of praise and hate. Someone threw an egg at Bang nim, and just before it hit him, Serenity stopped it with her hand, and it crashed on impact. Serenity spun around to face the crowd. She approached the girls who threw the egg. " Defending those who exploit the idols you say you love is hypocrisy, you are not fans' ', Serenity said and smeared the egg on her hand on the girl's coat and turned to walk away. The crowd erupted, and security fought to hold them back.

Court didn't last long. The choreographer was happy he won the assault case against Bang Si Hyuk, but it wasn't a large amount. Serenity was released of charges because the video showed that it was self-defense since the man was in her face. The choreographer was also found guilty of abuse towards Bangtan and charged with fines and community service. Serenity was upset, but she also knew what awaited the man outside. As she was leaving with Bang nim, they walked behind the choreographer and his lawyer outside. Serenity paused Bang nim, and they stood back as an onslaught of eggs, rotten produce, and other things thrown at the man. His lawyer ducked away. The man yelled obscenities and began trying to throw things back. Just as he went to slap, one of the fans that threw eggs at him. Serenity grabbed his wrist to stop him. "Leave me alone you bitch, or else", he stated. Serenity smirked. "Or else what? You have no power anymore. No company will go near you because they are worried about what fans will do. The settlement you got may tide you over, but this is far from being over'', Serenity replied. Just then a man walked up to them. He approached the choreographer and handed him an envelope. "What is this?", he sneered. The man smiled, "you have been served", he said and the choreographer stumbled and began opening the envelope. Inside were papers stating he was being sued by the idols he abused at every company he worked for. "What is this? My friends would never let their groups sue me", he yelled. Serenity smiled again, "you are correct with that, but it turns out, when they learned that I had no problem paying for a full team of lawyers to go after you, a lot of artists jumped at the chance. The company owners cannot do anything because then it would look like they support what you did to them.", she replied. The choreographer just stared at her, anger evident in his face. "I will get you for this you stupid American whore", he yelled. "I highly doubt that, your next court date is next week, the list of people and charging you is three pages long. You are going to spend years in jail for abuse, rape, and neglect.", Serenity stated and began to walk away. The choreographer fell to his knees and sobbed. The crowd dispersed and he was left alone.

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