Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: The Most Beautiful Moment in Life Part Two, Festivals, Awards and Breaks. 

October 2nd, 2015

The end of the year was a few months away. Serenity took a step back from the public eye to focus on Bangtan Sonyeondan's social media, Run, YouTube, and V live app. She was also helping Bang Si Hyuk with more bands wanting to sign contracts after their current ones ended. The members continued to focus on their music. They didn't reciprocate the constant flirting of women who threw themselves at them. Deep down, many of them were still grieving the loss of Serenity's love. All except one. Jungkook made efforts to see his Noona when he could, called her every day, and took her and Lucas out when he had time. They had a few day break coming up, and he had booked a trip to Busan. They had the Gangwon K-Pop Festival tomorrow, then he would rush back to Gangnam-gu to leave with Serenity and Lucas to his parents' house. 

October 3rd, 2015

Jungkook woke up hesitantly and stretched. Taehyung was asleep beside him. He had come in late last night complaining of needing to cuddle someone. Jungkook didn't mind. He knew Taehyung was having a really hard time missing Serenity and Lucas. They both got up and headed for the kitchen where breakfast awaited them thanks to Jin. Jungkook sat down and drank some of his banana milk. "You leave tomorrow for Busan, right?" Namjoon asked. Jungkook nodded. Jimin sighed, "Can I come with you on some stuff?"he asked hopefully. Jungkook paused while eating, "Sure Jimin hyung, if it's ok with Ren and Lucas," he replied. Jimin smiled and nodded happily. "Have you slept with her yet?" Yoongi asked. Jungkook stared at him, "Not that it's your business, but no. I'm taking it slow with Ren Noona. I want to be in this for the long haul."he replied. Yoongi frowned and continued poking at his food. They all finished eating and made their way to get ready. 

Serenity was already there when they arrived. She had the caterers set up and stylists ready to go when they arrived. They were ready quickly and made their way for their turn on stage. Backstage was a madhouse. Got7 was on shortly before Bangtan and came rushing off stage. "Hey, Serenity, so good to see you," Jackson said as he cooled off with a towel and water. "Hey Jackson, so good to see you too," she said in return. His bandmate Mark came rushing over. "You're a hard lady to get a hold of, especially without your seven bodyguards," he joked. Serenity smiled, "So true, they keep me busy," she replied. "So busy even for a coffee or lunch?" He asked. Serenity paused for a moment. "Depends, business or pleasure?"she replied. Mark grinned widely, "Whatever you'll give me," he says. Serenity chuckled and reached in her pocket for her card. "When you figure it out, call me," she said and went to the audience to watch the guys perform. "Are you crazy, bangtan is in love with her. What are you doing!" Jackson scolded. "If that was mutual, she wouldn't have accepted," Mark says and leaves for their green area. Serenity cheered Bangtan on from the VIP section.. 

After the closing ceremony, Serenity joined Bangtan to get ready to leave. Got7 invited them to a restaurant for dinner. Serenity sat between Jungkook and Bam Bam. After they ordered and were chatting away, Got7's manager came running in and handed Mark a bag. Mark thanked him and handed the bag to Serenity. "What's this?" She asked. Mark smirked, "A gift for Lucas, I know his recent fave pokemon is axew." Serenity opened the bag, and inside was an axew plush and t-shirt. "Oh my gosh, he will love it!" Thank you Mark", Serenity said. Jungkook glared next to her. "You're welcome, Noona. I enjoyed your blogs from Hawaii and Colorado on YouTube. Your house is amazing, " he replied. The i

members of Bangtan were all glaring at Mark. "You're too kind, Mark. we should meet for lunch next week, Lucas is a fan of Got7. He would enjoy meeting you," Serenity replied. "He is an ahgase, so great. You should come to our next fan meet, "Jinyoung states. Serenity nodded happily, and then the food came. Namjoon leaned over to Jackson, "What the hell are your members doing?" He whispered. Jackson breathed out, "they want to get to know her too, Joon, she is a great person," he replied nervously. Dinner went well, and Jungkook pulled Serenity with him to leave, but Yeugeom held onto her hand. "It was a pleasure meeting you again, Noona. I can't believe Bangtan keeps you to themselves, so selfish," he jokes. "Not funny, she does what she wants to," Jimin says. "Does she, though? You all have kept her away from everyone for the last two years. What changed? She seems more willing to get to know others now."Bam bam asks. Serenity feels increasingly uncomfortable. Jackson steps in and ushers his group members to the car. "My apologies Serenity, they are just eager to get to know you. Bangtan speaks about you so much. They want us to become friends with you as well", He says. Serenity smiles. "I look forward to seeing more of you all as well Jackson, have a good night. Thanks again for the gifts for Lucas, "she replies. Everyone says their goodbyes. Sejin drops the members off at their dorm first. None of them speak to Serenity. The ride was tense with unspoken feelings. Sejin then drives her to her house. "You know they are just jealous, right Ren? To them, you are their person, and you getting close with other groups makes them insecure, "he says. "They can't be jealous, Sejin, I'm Their boss and their friend. That's it."Serenity stated. He nods and says goodbye. Just as Serenity walks up to her door, another car pulls up to her house. 

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