5. Countdown..

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I stepped back after laying each piece of fish in the hot oil, some how I still managed to get popped in the face. I'm not much of a cooker but I remember the one recipe she taught me a few years back. I moved over and poured the diced onions into the pan that I had put a small amount of oil in. I stirred the onions and let them cook before pouring in a cup of rice. She taught me a lot in the short time we spent time together. One thing was fried fish, rice, baked macaroni and greens.

And recently I just wanted the amazing food she once made for me. But because that relationship has been done and over I'm gonna try to make it myself. It should taste just as good.. hopefully.

After frying the rice for a few minutes I got my measuring cup and tried to remember how much water I was supposed to add. I tapped my chin and decided to ask instagram.. I mean her. I posted the picture asking how much water I'm supposed to add into a cup of rice. Instead of her answering other thirsty bitches did.. I sucked my teeth and tried my hardest to remember. Just as I was about to add the water I noticed she posted a picture with her and her daughter instead.

If only you'd be direct...

That couldn't be in response to my question so I exited the app and went with the first comment I got. I think I remember the type of seasonings I'm supposed to use.


After an hour and three failed attempts to recreate the rice I finally got it. I didn't need her help anyway..

Boston and his hungry ass family came into the kitchen looking through my stuff. I held my hands out for his twins to give me high five, even though I don't want kids I love being around them. They looked at my hands and then at each other and ran towards their mom. Shy ass kids, they need to be around me more. They'd be way more open to talking and turning up, little kid style anyway.

"That stinking ass breath made them run away"

"You wish my breath stunk, you bitch"

"Yeah whatever, I see that girl is on your mind. I remember she made this for the team way back.. you're a fraud"

"No, she didn't"

"Yeah she did, your whipped ass helped her"

"I don't remember"

I shrugged and grabbed some plates for everyone. He's always bringing her up like I want that girl or something. I'm talking to someone now and even if I wasn't she wouldn't be on my mind. That girl is the least of my worries and I do mean that.

"Yeah okay"

"Nigga just shut the hell up and fix your kids their plate"

"Why do you take my jokes to heart?"

"I don't, I honestly don't pay you any mind"

He stopped talking and went on to fix his kids and his girl a plate before making one for himself. Sometimes seeing him with his family makes me wanna find a nice girl and possibly plant the mighty seed... but in like fifteen years, not anytime soon. I'm too young for that shit, no thanks.

"You seen Zahara's little girl?"


"So.. you don't think she look like someone we know?"

I shook my head and shrugged. "Nah, she look like her mom just darker"



"Oh okay, I just thought she looked like someone I know.. someone really close to me"

I shrugged again and went into my refrigerator to grab something to drink. I seen the little girl, she's a very beautiful baby. But I don't think she looks like anyone I know. I mean at first she did favor my baby sister, but other than that I don't see a resemblance to anyone I know.

The Letter..Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang