8. Just Listen..

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Just as I was about to pump my gas a guy began to approach me, the closer he got the more I recognized him. He smiled once he stopped in front of me and took over and pumped my gas for me. Now in the few years that I've had a car, not one guy offered to pump my gas. But I've never had a problem doing it myself, my daddy taught me to do a lot of things on my own.

He turned to me and gave me the same look he did the day he asked me about my mother. I don't know if he sees something in me that keeps him wondering. But something about me is interesting to him.

"You said you didn't know your mom.. but by any chance do you know anyone on her side of the family?"

"I don't know anyone that could be associated with biological mom or dad. I have the last name of my adoptive father and he was the one who named me. I really wish that I could answer your questions but I honestly can't. Your curiosity is very interesting.. who do I remind you of?"

"A close family member.. you really resemble them a lot. Almost as if you're their twin. Which is why I really wanted to know if you knew your mother or your father"


I didn't really know what else to say so I just waited for him to finish pumping my gas. He seems to really wanna know about me, almost as if he's trying to connect some sort of puzzle. And I would love to help him but sadly in my situation I can't the way I'd like.

"Wow, that's your kid?"


Zari was in her seat looking directly at this guy through the window. I always leave her in the car when I get gas but I pay with my card. So I'm always right beside my car while I do so. Half the time I'll lean through the window and we'll have a whole conversation. Filled with baby talk and lots of head nods because that's just what we do.

"I really don't mean to come off like a weirdo but.. I swear she looks a lot like my son"


I don't really know where he's going with this but it's kind of interesting. Who is this guy and why does he think he know me..

"Yeah, it's pretty crazy"

He took out his phone and showed me the picture of his son and I swear they resembled. Maybe this dude is related to Justin, a long lost brother or something. That's the only thing I can think of but that doesn't make sense when it comes to him swearing I look familiar.

"That's creepy.. in a cute way. He's adorable, he looks like he could be my babies twin. Maybe you know her dad and not me.."

"What's his name?"

"Justin Smith"

"Nope.. It's probably you. You could be like my long lost sister or something" He laughed but there was a hint of seriousness in his voice. "So where are you from Zahara?"

"I was born and raised here in Pennsylvania"

He nodded and finished pumping my gas before he walked away he stuck his hands in his pockets. Soon opening his mouth to speak but stopped as if he was unsure.

"Do you mind if I give you my number?"

"How about I give you mine?"

"That's even better.."

I put my number in his phone and he smiled before asking if he could hug me. I said yes and opened my arms, he embraced me in a warm hug. It wasn't a regular hug nor was it an inappropriate hug. It was almost like an I missed you type of hug but I could be wrong..

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