40. Communication..

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Two months later


I rolled over and kicked the covers off my body, between Nova rolling around in my belly and Justin's alarm constantly going off I haven't gotten much sleep. The first time his alarm went off it was 6am, as of right now it has been going off nonstop for forty-five minutes. I'm assuming he just doesn't wanna get up at this very second. I thought after snoozing the alarm twice he would finally get up and start getting ready but no.

I don't even wanna get up but in order to stop his alarm and make sure he gets up I have to. As soon as my feet touched the soft carpet I sighed, I'm not in the mood to do anything but lay down. I made my way towards his room. The door was open and both him and Zari were knocked out despite the alarm blaring next to them.

I grabbed his phone and attempted to unlock it so I could turn it off instead of snoozing it but his password didn't work. Which is weird, he knows mine and I know his. We don't go through each others phone because I don't feel it's needed. If we wanna look something up we pretty much just use whichever phone is closer. The fact that he changed his password makes me wonder. But I'm not gonna worry about it at this very moment.

"Justin, get up"

He didn't move one bit, I decided to call him again but he wasn't responding. Normally I'll receive some type of response, a groan, a leave me alone or I'm up. I shook him as hard as I could but he still didn't budge. I tapped him on the shoulder and waited to see if he would respond. He didn't.


He opened one eye and lifted his head off the pillow and looked around. I put the phone in his face so he could see the time. Instead of getting up he laid his head back down and closed the only eye that was open. I shook him a little harder than I normally would, I'm not playing with him. He hasn't even gotten through the first week of school and he's already acting like he doesn't wanna wake up.

"Just give me a minute"

"No. It's almost seven o'clock"

"Alright, I'm getting up.."

I waited for him to get up but instead he started snoring very lightly. I think the fact that today is Thursday its even harder for him to get up. After today he gets to start his weekend so I'm assuming that has a lot to do with this. The last school day of the week was always hard for me, I couldn't wait to have my three day weekend.



"Get up"

"I am.."


He sucked his teeth and finally sat up and started rubbing his eyes. I frowned the moment I got a good look at him, the look on his face worried me.

"What's wrong?"

"My head.."

"Have you spoken to your doctor about this, you've been complaining of headaches and dizziness for a while now"

"They don't do shit, I'm supposed to have another MRI done next week"

"Well make sure you go, matter of fact I'll go with you and then we can see what they plan to do if anything can be done"

"They don't care. There have been times where I wanna cry like a bitch. But it's like fuck it, you know? It's not gonna go away no matter what I do"

"But that's not okay. If you're hurting to the point where you feel you can't take it anymore. You need to really explain that to them, there has to be a better way of managing the pain"

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