46. Text Messages..

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Three months later


I glanced at my engagement ring as I laid in bed and found myself wondering if I made the right choice. Sometimes I still can't believe he asked me to marry him. I love him and he loves me and that should be enough but there have been moments where I think it's best that we wait. We don't have an official date for when we wanna get married or a place we'd like to have the wedding. I have an idea of what we want, it's just a matter of whether it'll work out or not.

I've been thinking we could have a destination wedding. With only ten to fifteen people but then I don't think that would be fair towards his family. But I doubt they'd even wanna be a part of our wedding. Which makes everything so much harder because I know deep down he wants them there. And with all the drama that's going on with them I don't even like to discuss details for a wedding. Therefore don't think we're getting married anytime soon if the drama doesn't get resolved.

It bothers me how he hasn't talked to his mom or his sister in almost four months. That doesn't sit well with me, I can't help but feel a lot of this is happening because we're together. Even though I have never done anything to these people, I would never encourage him to distance himself from them. There's a difference between needing time and being done with someone. I'm the type of person that gives chance after chance but when I'm done, I'm done. However I find that hard to do when it comes to family.

I jumped when I heard Justin's phone vibrating on the nightstand. I thought it would have woken him up but it didn't. He slept right through it, I fixed my pillows and attempted to go back to sleep. It's super early and there's no reason for me to be up so why not try to get as much as rest as I can. Especially knowing Zari will soon make her way into my room in a few hours. Just as I closed my eyes his phone started vibrating again. I rolled my eyes, sat up and grabbed his phone to see a random number calling him. I answered it, figuring it was someone with the wrong number.

I didn't have a chance to say hello, the person on the other end started talking first.


I took the phone away from my ear and looked over at him in disbelief. Why is this girl still contacting him..

"This is his fiancée, who's calling?"

The phone disconnected the moment I said that, I'm honestly not trying to accuse him of anything. But this girl has been texting and calling him for a while and I would love to know why. He changed his passcode, he's very attached to his phone now and then she calls and hangs up when I answer? That's shady as fuck, what does she need that she's calling him at five o'clock in the morning. I'll wait..

I'm not really the type to go through his phone but today I'm going to. I tried to use Zari's birthday as his passcode but it didn't work. I tapped him on the shoulder and picked his hand up and let it go. He didn't budge which was a good indication that he was in a deep sleep. I took his finger and unlocked his phone, I probably shouldn't be doing this. But since we're both being shady, why not.

I went into his messages and found the number at the very top. I opened the thread and began reading the text messages. They weren't bad but they were a little too friendly. I noticed a few that I really didn't like, I don't understand why he's even texting her. He lied and told me that he hasn't spoken to this girl since she asked him to send her what they did in class. This is proof that he lied to my face and that makes it worse. Why lie if nothing inappropriate is being done? I bit my lip to keep myself from punching him in his face just for lying.

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