29. Love Yourself..

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With Zari on my lap I went through my vanity drawer with almost every nail polish color created. I wanted us to have a mommy, daughter night so I went to the store and picked up some spa essentials. I got the ingredients to make an organic face mask, cucumbers for our eyes. Some crackers and cheese, apple juice, new robes and slippers, lavender body butter and bubble bath. I have a Jacuzzi tub so after I bathed her and took a shower myself. We put on our bathing suits, our face mask and we sat in the jacuzzi eating our snacks and sipping our juice. Although she doesn't get the concept one hundred percent she loved it. She talked my ear off, I loved every bit of hearing her laugh and seeing her smile.

I picked up a pretty pink color by O.P.I called coneyisland cotton candy. Zari got so excited she almost fell off my lap. I sat her on the chair next to me while I gathered everything to paint her nails. Once I had everything I held my hand out for hers so she could place her small hand on the pillow I decided to use for support. The excitement on her face almost made me cry. I love to see my baby smile, its the most beautiful little smile I have ever seen. I opened the polish and started painting her nails, the whole time she watched intently.

When when I finished her left hand she looked at the color and smiled with wide eyes. "Ooh, pretty!"

I giggled at her reaction and finished the other hand, its kind of a challenge painting baby nails. But I have to admit I did a pretty good job, her nails are so cute. I don't know how Justin is gonna feel about them but for now it doesn't matter. She's happy with her little manicure, therefore so am I.

I helped her off the chair so she could sit in front of the little fan by my bed. If we wait for them to dry without the fan, they'll be a mess. I turned the fan on the lowest setting and held both her hands up. The air hitting her face made her giggle uncontrollably. I couldn't help but to smile yet again just by seeing her face. The littlest thing makes her happy.. you don't have to go out of your way for your children for them to be happy. Just spending time with them is so much more rewarding. She appreciates everything I do for her even though she has no clue. My love..


She pointed to my belly and leaned over to kiss her brother or sister. She loves this baby so much, that's all she does. The other day she was singing to the baby, it was the cutest thing ever.


Instead of looking at me she raised her eyebrows, something her dad does all the damn time.

"What should mommy name the baby?"


"We should name the baby, Candy?"


"Then what name should we choose?"


"So we should name the baby, Bubby instead?"

She nodded and laid her head on my stomach calling the baby, bubby. Out of everything she says candy and bubby.. she's a mess.

Because we plan to find out the gender of the baby next month, at sixteen weeks. I've been talking to Justin about baby names and so far we haven't agreed on any of them. But we did agree that if the baby is a girl we want a Z name and if its a boy we want a J name.

Speaking of names.. Sammie found out the gender of her baby a week ago. She called me and practically screamed from excitement. She's having a baby girl who she's naming Naomi Lee Folton. I love her name so much its so pretty, I'm happy for her and her baby's dad. Having a baby girl is a beautiful blessing that I know she'll enjoy. She's overly excited that we're having babies together, when I told her she screamed so loud I swore I was deaf in that ear for an hour. So now she's hoping and praying I have a girl too. We're due one month apart which is something we both thought was very exciting.

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