41. You vs Them..

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I opened the refrigerator and immediately noticed a big brown paper bag in the very bottom. I decided to be nosey and look inside, I reached down and pulled it out of the very bottom drawer. I opened it up and took the red container out and looked at it.

"What the fuck is this.."

I took it and made my way up the steps to find Zahara, why would this be in the refrigerator. I found her in the bathroom brushing her hair up into a bun, when she seen the container in my hand she snatched it and gave me a look I didn't quite understand.

"What are you doing with this?"

"What is it?"


"You put pee in the refrigerator?"

"24 hour urine collection.. it has to be kept cool"


I looked at it and scratched my head, I mean I guess that's why it was in the bag all the way in the bottom part of the refrigerator.

"So how do you go in this and not get piss everywhere?"

She sighed and reached under the cabinet and pulled out a white bowl looking think. I'm guessing that's the thing they gave her to catch everything and make it easy to transfer. Interesting.

"Anything else?"

"Are you supposed to fill this entire thing up?"

"I guess, I don't know"

"Oh okay. So what do they check for with all this pee?"

"Protein and Creatinine"


"To test for preeclampsia"

"So what's preeclampsia?"

"It's when your blood pressure is elevated due to large amounts of protein in the urine. It's dangerous, if not caught and treated in time"


"Yup, now can you put this back?"

I nodded, the whole preeclampsia thing is really unsettling. As if we haven't gone through enough this pregnancy..

She placed the container back in my hand and continued to brush her hair. I turned around and went back down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen trying to understand all of this stuff that comes along with pregnancy. This is my first time experiencing all of this, so I don't know why stuff happens or what to do. I put the container in the brown bag and stuffed it back into the bottom of the refrigerator and closed it.

I washed my hands and dried them with a piece of paper towel and grabbed my phone. I forgot what I was even gonna get out of the refrigerator. I stood in the middle of the kitchen trying to remember before I just walked out. I peeped in the living room for Zari but she wasn't in there. For some reason I thought she was taking a nap on the couch. But I guess Zahara put her in her room instead of leaving her down here when she fell asleep.

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