11. Hard Work Pays Off..

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The man shook my hand and offered me the position I applied for, I smiled brightly and accepted it. I have waited so long for the opportunity to move on to a different practice. Although I enjoyed my time at my other job, I'm looking for something I know I will enjoy. I have been with that family practice for close to a year and a half. I started working there six weeks after I gave birth to my daughter and I've been there since. I love it, but personally I want to move on to something bigger and better. And today I will be moving in the direction of doing just that, I just got my first job at Penn State Hershey Medical Center. Even though it's about forty five minutes from my house I'm looking forward to this new job. It pays more and I'll be working in cardiology which is what I wanted to be doing when I first got out into the field. But I took the first job because I had a child to feed.

He gave me a date to start which is a month from now, I asked if he could give me time to put my two weeks notice in and finish up a few things. I would like to leave on good terms because I may or may not go back one day. After all it's a great office to work at, it's just not where I'd like to be in the future. I know most of the people will be disappointed, especially the patients I see often. The thought of leaving them behind made me sick to my stomach. You grow to love some of them, I've met a decent amount of patients who have opened up to me and told me things they wouldn't even tell the physician. I love what I do and I'm so glad I continued going to school even though it was tough being pregnant. I had to make time to go to my appointments, get to class and work, all while trying to reach out to someone who could care less about me. But I did it without any support from her father, I could say I didn't need him. I truthfully could but it wouldn't be the complete truth, I may not have needed him financially and I still don't. But I definitely needed him to be open to the idea of giving me the chance to tell him about his daughter.

On my way out of the hospital I almost cried, I'm thankful for every opportunity that has come my way. I'm proud of who I've become and the things I have been blessed with. I truthfully don't know where I would be without my dad and my daughter. When I found I was pregnant with Zari it motivated me to get my shit together. There's only one thing Justin gave me that I will forever be thankful for and that will always be my child. She changed my life in so many ways, at twenty four I have just about everything I told myself I'd have. Before coming to this interview I signed for the car I've dreamed of having, a white BMW M6. It was the best feeling because I never thought I'd be able to say that I could afford my dream car. My dad helped me but only because he knew how much making that happen meant to me. He always told me he was proud of me and as a gift he helped me by paying half of the cost. I'm thankful..


Zari clung to me as I pushed my cart down the aisle of the different seasonings and spices. I don't know why I thought I'd be able to grocery shop with her, I should have left her with my dad and Michael's crazy ass. But nope I had to pick her up around the time she normally takes a nap. All she has been doing is whining and pointing at the different stuff she wants. And to keep her quiet I have to hold her or else I'll have a screaming child  disrupting the damn store. I picked up the last thing I needed which was pepper and threw it in my cart. At the very last minute I decided I would make Thai shrimp soup. I've never tried it but I saw a recipe and I decided to try it. Only because I know Justin loves seafood, so I'm sure he'll like it.

The moment we got out of that aisle Zari lifted her head and started tapping my shoulder. I shook my head and laughed already knowing what she was about to ask for, cookies.


"You want cookies?"

She nodded and smiled bringing her little hands to her mouth. I picked up the pack of cookies and put them in the cart, she kissed my cheek and laid her head back on my shoulder. Once I got in line to check out I made sure to go to the one without all the little goodies. Or else I would have ended up buying the whole damn aisle. As the guy was ringing up my stuff Justin was already texting me, wondering where I was because he's been waiting at my house. Why.. I don't know because I told him six. It's only five thirty and I'm behind schedule, I should have been home. I didn't respond to him because I had to focus on the task at hand, paying and getting home.

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