22. Planning..

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After having an x-ray done on my foot I was told I have a syndesmotic injury, which means I fractured my ankle and sprained a ligament. The way the x-ray looked made it clear that the only way to fix the fracture would be surgically. I'm scheduled to have the surgery either tomorrow morning or the next day. The doctor still hasn't really said anything, he's trying to see just how bad the fracture is. He thinks it may be two or three small fractures so I guess he's trying to come up with a stable plan for surgery. I know for sure they have to put a metal plate and screws in my ankle, its the only way to fix the fracture. That part scares me because I really don't know what to expect as far as the whole recovery process goes.

I'm really thankful for Justin, he held it down while I got my blood work done, the x-ray and while they asked me seven million more questions. He has been chasing Zari around the room and down the hall. He took her upstairs and let her pick out what she wanted for dinner, helped me in the hospital gown. And he helped me to the bathroom even though it seems like I needed to go every ten minutes. I expected him to complain after the third time but he didn't, he really feels bad about my ankle. Which is why I decided not to give him a hard time about the cat but it still has to go..

For some reason I haven't been able to reach my dad, it's almost like every since Justin came into the picture he's never available anymore. I guess he couldn't wait to have some down time to actually enjoy his retirement. Which is understandable but I wish he didn't just go without answering my calls. I'm used to him being available whenever I need him, now I can't even call him without feeling as though I'm bothering him. I never really thought about how much I was putting on him. Whenever I would drop Zari off with him every morning before work I never considered the fact that he was tired. I was so used to him being my babysitter that I didn't appreciate the fact that he was not only watching my baby because he wanted to but because I really needed him.

I've been thinking of ways to show my appreciation for him. I was thinking about a nice dinner because he's not really into parties or receiving gifts. He would appreciate a party but at the same he would be really mad at me. My dad, he's not into big events or being the center of attention. He likes more intimate gatherings with close friends and family. A lot our family is older and I do mean older, there really isn't anyone around my age. Everyone is about sixty and up, most of them don't have children either. And if they do they don't live in town so I don't really count them. But even then I think he would be happy to see them at the dinner.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a light knock on the door, not even a second later the doctor walked in with a folder in his hands. I mentally rolled my eyes unsure if I wanted to know what he was going to say about my ankle.

"How is your ankle feeling?"

"A little better"

"So the pain medication is working"


"Okay good. I wanted to come in and discuss a little bit about the surgery and what I plan to do"


"During the procedure I'm going to make an incision over the outside of the ankle. Which will then give me a good view of the fracture so that I can stabilize the bone. In order to completely fix the syndesmosis an implant is required. The implant uses one or two screws that will go from the fibula bone into the tibia bone. The screws are placed through a plate that sits on the fibula bone. Once the procedure is done we're going to perform what we call a stress x-ray just to make sure the syndesmosis is stable. After surgery, you're going to be immobilized in a splint for the first ten to fourteen days"

I listened with so many thoughts going through my mind, that's a lot to take in. I'm not exactly happy about having an implant placed in my ankle. I would much rather a cast and some crutches.

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