Chapter 8 - Painc attake and DNA match?!

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"I'm sorry are you ok?" I quickly helped the girl who I bump into.

"Gosh this is all Logans fault" I said under my breath.

I said looked up to see the girl only to make my world shrink. She was looking at me with widen eyes.

Of course we look like duplicates and she knows her twin has grey eyes.

I was again frozen.

"Mab! Are you ok?!" I hear her brothers coming this way. I'm in danger. I can't turn or take my eyes from Mabel.

I took my hand from Mabel but she was holding my arms like she won't let me go.

I hissed in pain. She was digging her nails into my skin. Her eyes was still like a bad wide coconut.

"Can't you see where you're going?!" Hunter said holding my shoulders harshly turning it to him but Mabel was still digging her nails into my skin.

Hunter's eyes also wide in shock. My legs started to tremble. I was scared.

That emotion was long gone but why it is back?.

"Hunter be nice!" Carmen said pushing off Hunter holder my shoulders.

"I'm sorry about-" Carmen couldn't even held the shock. He looked at both me and Mabel four times to be accurate.

"Sorry about the distance she had caused but would kindly let her go?" Logan came to my rescue.

Of course he knows that my biological family is right infront of me.

"Excuse me? Ma'am?" Logan snapped Mabel back in reality.

"Why does she look like me?" Mabel suddenly asked with shaking voice and hands.

"Your hurting her" Logan said as he took me in his arms. My face was buried in his chest. I was still shacking. He stroke my hair and was about to leave when Carmen stopped us.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"Sorry but just bumping into your sister doesn't mean you have to file a law suit and PLEASE excuse us" I can feel Logan getting pissed of.

Logan quickly took me back to the car and I was having a panic attack "Logan! They fucking saw me!".

Tears was streaming down my face.

"Shhh" He started to stroke my back giving me a hug.

"Logan" I cried.

He was assuring that I'm fine. He's with me and eventually I fall asleep.


I woke up with a slid headache. I looked around to see In was in my bed.

"You're awake?" I heard Odessas voice.

"You're home" I said sitting up.

He gave me my water bottle near my bed and said "Drink you might have a dry throat".

She is not wrong.

"What's wrong Odessa?" I asked.

She wasn't being her usual self. I mean she usually would look bubbly but she was resting with a sad smile.

"You're DNA matched" She said giving me the report.

I quickly started rumbling the pages until in the very last bottom "99.99 match?".

I knew already about it.

"We both knew that they are my family why are you so determined of having a DNA test?" I asked.

"Well I need to be sure" She said walking out but in the door she stopped and said "I love you". She always say that but why do I feel so different about that "Weirdo".

Her Lonely Grey Eyes Where stories live. Discover now