Chapter 15 - Cecile moved in

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How did I even end up in here?.

I am sitting while facing everyone in the Dashwood family. I'm sure they all know I hated them.

Now I feel embarrassed of them. I never knew that was an misunderstanding that I had to follow for years till now.

Mabel is infront of me and I can't even get used to someone having the same exact face as me.

"So Cecile right?" Nolan the youngest brother asked.

"Yes it is" I answered politely.

"Your in the Mafia?" Elijah also broke the stupid awkward silence in the house.

There is no use of lying so it's better to say the truth "The leader of Night Fox".

Their eyes widen while Mabel has stars sparkling in her eyes.

"Really?!" Mabel asked with excitement.

"Since when did you start the training?" Carmen asked suspiciously.

"When I was 10 the moment I was brought in by Odessa" Why am I feeling like I am in an interrogation?.

"I thought Odessa was the Leader?" Blake asked due to curiosity.

"Well she was until three years ago she pronounce me as the leader of Night Fox since she want to retire to have a peaceful life without worrying about someone break into her house to kill her" I said clearing everyones doubts.

"Very well then! Let's have dinner!" Blake said and we all followed to the dinner table.

This mansion is bigger than the Fox mansion.

The dinner went smoothly by all of them keep asking me questions and having small conversations.

I didn't feel like family. I never had that feeling with anyone.

I was inside my room with my silk pyjamas when suddenly I got a knock and later heard small soft voice "It' me! Mabel!".

I opened the door with my wet hair since I took a shower earlier.

"Oh I came in the perfect time" She said and went inside. She went to the pull the dressing tables chair and said "Sit down".

I didn't ask questions and sat down while he took the a towel and started drying my hair.

"Do you always take a shower before going to bed?" Mabel asked.

"Yeah or else I can't sleep well" I answered her question.

I never dry my hair because I'm a lazy person. If Logan was with me in Australia he would dry my hair and make go to bed early.

"Well I would come here every night to dry your hair" She said. Well lucky for me I am a lazy person.

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