Chapter One Hundred and One

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"Yeah, I'm gonna be late tonight." Harry sighed into the phone.

"Do you want me to pick you up some dinner?" Ivy asked. He could hear her nails clicking away on her keyboard.

Harry frowned at an email sent by one of his executives. "No, I'll just have something delivered. Are you going to stay home or go to Willow's."

She hummed as she thought. "Probably Willow's. She's been a bit cranky lately, and I think she might need some girl time."

"Girl time, huh?" Harry mused, "Should I book you two a reservation at the spa?"

Ivy laughed lightly, "Maybe next time, darling. Not sure my ribs could take one of those glorious deep tissue massages that I've been dreaming about."

Harry made a mental note to book them a couples message at Stonebrook Spa next month. "How are you feeling today?"

"Honestly, pretty good." She told him, "I didn't even wince getting out of the car today."

Harry hated the thought that she was in any pain at all, but considering what she had been through, he knew they were lucky. "We've got your next checkup a week from today."

"I know, Harry." Ivy laughed, "I'm healing up fast, so there's no need to fret so much."

"I'm taking an extended lunch break that day to come with." He announced to her.

"Okay." She replied with obvious humor.

"Alright, well I need to get back to work. My assistant is out to lunch and I'm behind on some reports."

"I love you."

"Love you too, heiress." Harry smiled to himself.

When he stared at the unfortunate pile of paperwork on his desk, he cursed himself for putting it off earlier in the week. He hated nothing more than missing his nights with Ivy. Sure, they would still fall asleep together, but he loved the alone time they got. They hadn't been attending any public appearance they normally would, taking the time to heal and just be together, so their nights were solitary and peaceful.

If someone would have told him a year ago that sitting down with his wife and just getting to know her better was his favorite thing to do, he would have laughed in their face.

Yet, here he was: stupidly besotted by his wife.

Paperwork had kept him busy for the next hour, looking at new patents and approving some research projects for his top engineers. Things were looking promising at Spechtron. There was no illegal activity anywhere close to this business. They had just cleared another billion dollar revenue stream. And the government was off his back now that his father had been arrested.

His assistant came back from her lunch, bringing him a tea that sat on his desk getting cold. He was too focused on his work to remember it. Allison had come in a few times to deliver more documents, extending his stay even longer.

It was past seven when he checked his phone next. Ivy had sent him an update on where she was, including a picture. He sat back in his chair and smiled at it. Absentmindedly, he reached out for the tea on his desk, grimacing when the cold liquid hit his mouth. He spit it out immediately, then taking a drink of his water. There was not much he hated more than old tea.

With a deep sigh, he put his phone face down and went back to his work.


"She's insufferable." Willow continues to rant at Ivy. "I swear, she was sent from hell just to piss me off."

Ivy tried to hold back her smirk, but she wasn't strong enough. Willow had been going on and on about how annoying Ren Hayashi was, which Ivy initially thought was strange considering the woman barely ever speaks in the first place.

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