Chapter Twenty-Three

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This is the 2nd chapter in a quadruple update. Please make sure to read Chapter 22 first. Enjoy.

Their wedding day came quickly. From the day of their announcement to New Year's Eve it was only three weeks. Christmas passed quietly, Harry coming to the manor for dinner with her family. Patrick and Mona didn't join, but Ivy did speak with his mom to make sure she knew she was invited.

The holiday went as it always did. A dinner with stilted conversation, overly formal until Cillian left, and it was just Ivy and her siblings. This year Harry stayed as well. Finn was still feeling her future husband out, and Cara was quiet around him, but it turned out more enjoyable than she would have expected.

The city had quieted down, almost as if it was preparing for Ivy and Harry's nuptials. Ivy got no further messages or notes left for her, no bouquets were delivered to her work. It had her on edge. At least when her stalker was actively fucking with her, she knew what to expect.

The quiet was unnerving. There had been no response to the fire, but they expected one. Harry and Ivy were sure that a good portion of the spiders had sided with the new gang in town. He had filled her in on the notorious Shadow, and that Griffin was currently searching for her.

What they needed were allies if they were going to survive this war. It's what their fathers were doing by arranging the marriage pact in the first place, but they had been shortsighted. Harry and Ivy's union would be more advantageous than they ever thought.

They wouldn't be the ones reaping the benefits, though. It would be their generation. The Harry's and Ivy's.

But first, they had to make it through their wedding day.

It was an elaborate spectacle, built to make a statement. The wedding coordinator worked around the clock the past three weeks to make sure everything was perfect. Neither Harry or Ivy cared all that much about what it looked like or what food was served. Her dress had been delivered with alterations a few days ago, that being the only thing she had a hand in picking herself. The pictures from today would be everywhere, and she planned to look her best.

They had decided against a wedding party, but Cara, Willow, and Astrid were helping her get ready in the bridal suite. She stood in her dress, hair and makeup done, her cousin placing the pearl overlay carefully over her shoulder so as not to mess up her hair. Her dress was fairly simply, a timeless elegance that she adored when she first saw it. The pearl shawl-like overlay added glamour to an otherwise simple dress. It exuded Ivy.

"Are you nervous?" Cara asked her.

She looked at herself in the floor length mirror, then shook her head, "No, I'm really not."

"You and Harry have been getting along better lately." Noted Astrid.

"That's because he took his head out of his ass." She told them, turning to look at the back of her dress.

"Yeah, didn't you notice them disappear at their own party?" Willow smirked, "I'm assuming you had a nice little angry fuck to get your feelings out."

Ivy breathed out a small laugh, but didn't get a chance to say anything, a voice coming from behind them, "Sorry for the interruption."

In the mirror, Ivy's eyes connected with Harry's. He was standing in the doorway, in his tux already, hands in his pocket. She turned to face him, his eyes perusing down her body.

"Do you ladies mind if I have a moment with Ivy?" He asked without looking at them.

The girls left quickly, Willow winking at her on the way out. The door closed behind them, leaving Harry and Ivy alone.

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