Chapter 37

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

After the boys leave, Kakashi and I had sat the unconscious Haruno against a boulder while she's still under Genjutsu. Suddenly, the Sage's body begins fading. The prisons holding the Nine Tailed Beasts are fully formed by now, looking like miniature moons, only brown in colour.

Kakashi murmurs in realisation, "Sage-sama...!" He's sitting in a crouch with his right elbow resting on his knee.

He says in his light gravelly voice, "It seems that it's almost time."

"What should..." Kakashi leans forward slightly. "...What should I be doing, sir?"

All the Sage tells him is, "Just continue to maintain faith. That is the only thing we can do right now." Kakashi gazes at him silently for a moment before he blinks once and looks down, a frown on his face. The Sage bows his head as he closes his eyes as the rest of his body begins fading.

Then, the Sage of the Six Paths was gone, back to the Afterworld.


Soon after, the moon sized prisons holding the nine Tailed Beasts move away from the sky above us, over to where Naruto and Sasuke were fighting. We could hear a massive shockwave striking the ground near us a few minutes after that.

I blink and turn my head when Kakashi gasps. My blue eyes jerk wide when a wave of debris and dust heads towards us at high speeds. Before I could make a Diamond Encampment Wall, my Guardian moves faster and throws himself on top of me and Sakura, shielding us from the blast.

I gasp worriedly when he pulls back, a chunk of rock falling from his back, "Kashi-kun... are you alright?" The hole we were in was completely and utterly destroyed.

He nods as he responds, sitting back in a crouch, "Yeah. I'm fine, Ayumi." We both gaze in the direction of the fight, the sound of thunder rumbling in our ears. In the sky is a cyclone with lightning crackling through it. Kakashi clenches a fist against his right knee while I clench my teeth out of frustration.

I wish I could go help Naruto-kun, but I'll only be in the way.

All I can do is pray they'll make it out alive.

When the sun starts to set, Sakura lets out a gasp as her eyes snap open.

I say in immense relief, "You're finally awake." She looks at me, then at the silverette, before taking in the damaged sight around us, the sun setting in the sky.

She murmurs, "It's dusk already." Sakura gasps again as she looks between Kakashi and I. "Where are Sasuke and Naruto?"

I reply, "They're fighting their final battle right now. In order to... settle things for good." Sakura gasps worriedly as she leans her head back against the boulder. Sakura casts her gaze down sadly.

A whole night ends up passing by but I don't think any of us slept that well. Come morning, I slide Kakashi's right arm over my shoulders while my left goes around his waist to support him before he, Sakura and I start making our way to Final Valley, where Sasuke and Naruto were having their final duel.

I can't help wondering what will await us when we get there. Will both of them be alive? One of them? Or will they both be...?

I shake my head to clear it of any negative thoughts as I leap off the branch with a burst of speed, Sakura right beside us.

"They'll both be alive, and Sasuke will return to the village," I think firmly. In a heartbeat, we land in crouches on a cliff at the edge of the valley, and step towards the edge of the cliff. We gaze at the massive damage done to the two statues of Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju.

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