Chapter 19

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

The Ten Tails goes to unleash a pointed Tailed Beast Bomb at us but for some reason, it ends up missing, the attack landing away from us and sending out a giant shockwave that tears up the earth.

We'd been fighting the beast for awhile now but we were pretty exhausted.

Obito flicks his gaze back as he trembles before calming down.

"What the...?!" Guy demands as he's being supported by Kakashi, shock evident in his voice.

"He missed?" Utters Kakashi in confusion. "Deliberately?"

Just then, several figures leap down around us.

I say with a grin, "'bout time!"

Two Leaf ninja land near Kakashi and Guy as a Yamanaka with brown hair greets, "Kakashi, Guy!"

Hiashi Hyuga and another Leaf ninja land near us too.

"Sorry we're late," Hiashi apologises.

"I can't believe he shook off my Byakugan Aided Spot Line Mind Transfer Jutsu in just two seconds!" Ino breathes as Hinata hugs her from behind. They were all battered but alive!

Hiashi says, "Still managed to shift that big thing's aim off. So, good work."

Hinata asks, "Naruto, are you doing okay?"


"Just because Hinata is here, doesn't mean you have to act tough, Naruto," Kiba teases and I gasp happily at the sight of him as he lands behind us on Akamaru's back.

"Kiba-kun! I'm so glad you're okay!" I say as Shino and my clan land around him while the other Allied Force members land behind us.

"You alright, Yumi-chan?" Kiba asks before my dad or brother could. I nod my head.

"Mm! Especially now that you're here!"

"Beetle Jamming Jutsu!" The Aburame clan say as they hold out their hands. Beetles fly straight for the Ten Tails.

Mist ninja do hand signs as they say, "Hidden Mist Jutsu!" They put their right hands in the Ram sign in front of their mouths and exhale chakra filled steam that blocks us from the enemy's view.

As Shikamaru and Choji also land, Choji says, "We're here, Naruto!"

Shikamaru examines the mist with a hand on his hip as he says in satisfaction, "Alright, good. We won't be so easily detectable now."

Karui and Omoi were immensely relieved to see that Bee is alright. Shizune, Lee and Sakura land by Kakashi and Guy. Lee knows Guy used Uradora. Sai appears with scroll in arm and apologises for being late.

"Yumi-chan, first of all..." Naruto begins, wiping his mouth.

"Yeah. I know!" I say as I go up to my Guardian and use my chakra to take out some Divine Water. I quickly give Kakashi some to replenish his strength and chakra.

"First Company has arrived on the scene!" Darui announces as he and his division appear.

"The Second Company has also arrived," Says Kitsuchi as he lands with his group.

"Third Company has arrived!" Announces a Leaf shinobi.

Shikamaru says, as his division appears, "Fourth Company has arrived!"

"Fifth Company has arrived!" Mifune announces as he and his samurai storm into view.

Shizune adds as she heals Guy, the other medics also tending to the wounded, "The Medical Unit's here too."

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