Chapter 31

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

Kaguya Otsutsuki hovers in the air before us, incredibly long white hair flaring out behind her. My teammates and I gape in disbelief. Kaguya hoods her plain white eyes down on Naruto and Sasuke, seeming to focus on something.

Then, she throws the boys away like broken toys. Sasuke and Naruto hit the ground and slide backwards along it before they stop. Kaguya sends her white hair for Sasuke and Naruto as they get to their feet.

Sasuke uses his Chidori to cut off the ends of the woman's hair while easily dodging her attacks. Sasuke cuts off more hair before thrusting his Chidori at another tendril as it aims for him, effectively pushing it back.

However, his Chidori cancels out and Sasuke is pushed back by the hair.

Naruto yells worriedly, "Sasuke...!" He gasps as another tendril lashes for him. Naruto is unable to dodge as the tendril slams into him head-on and throws him backwards. He and Sasuke continue tumbling backwards across the ground until they slam into a massive boulder.

"Sasuke!" Sakura calls fearfully as we whip around to them, teeth gritted.

"Naruto-kun!" I shout worriedly.

We both stiffen though Sakura appears more scared than I do in that moment, her body quivering violently, mint green orbs wide with fear, while I'm somewhat calmer as a bead of cold sweat slides down the side of my face, as Kaguya floats calmly past us towards Naruto and Sasuke.

Yeah, can't say I blame her. I can only hope she doesn't do anything stupid to get herself killed.

Kaguya murmurs as she stops before Sasuke and Naruto, realisation in her voice, "These two, they are Hagoromo's and Hamura's... no—rather, they are Indra and Ashura." Veins appear on her cheeks, under her eyes just like when Hinata and Neji activate their Byakugans, as Kaguya focuses hers on the boys, now in crouches. "...Then it was Hagoromo who gave them the Jutsu." She starts floating off the ground again.

I was relieved that Naruto and Sasuke were alright.

Kakashi gazes sadly back at the fallen Obito before returning his attention to the woman before us, a serious expression on his features.

My Guardian demands to know, voice unwavering, "What are you intentions?"

"Ninshu... no, you said, shinobi... it's futile to speak to you about that when all you do is tamper with chakra without knowing its true meaning," Responds Kaguya without looking back. "This place... this land... is my precious nursery. And that means I cannot let it be damaged any further. So let us put an end to all this fighting."

Naruto gasps in surprise. "Huh...? Then..."

Kaguya interrupts, "Here, that is." Suddenly, a lava landscape forms around us with actual lava. Naruto gasps as we all fall down. "I shall erase all of you here instead."

Sakura cries out, "No way!"

Sasuke bites his thumb and says, "Summoning Jutsu!" With a poof of smoke, his hawk summoning appears and Sasuke lands safely on it.

I do fast hand signs. "Diamond Style: Diamond Phoenix Jutsu!" I form a Phoenix out of diamond swiftly and it screeches its song as I kneel behind its head. I steer it underneath Sakura and Kakashi and they both land safely on it.

I glance towards Sasuke and nod once towards him. He nods back before flying his hawk to Naruto. The hawk snatches the blonde up in its talons and flies off.

"What are you doing?!" Naruto exclaims. Naruto follows Sasuke's gaze to find Sakura and Kakashi on my Diamond Phoenix.

Sasuke explains to Naruto, "Yumi-chan thought fast and created her Diamond Phoenix Jutsu." Sasuke and I look as he adds, "And Obito, Kakashi Sensei pinned him to the wall with a kunai."

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