Another one-shot??where quotes?

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Hello,sorry I haven't been publishing in a while I've been caught up in school alot.Also I might just be thinking on making this a one-shot book with how much one-shots I'm making.


BE's pov:


"You what?"I am honestly confused on how the hell RE was able to catch his wing on fire with a goddamn book.A book.

"I just dropped it on my wing on accident and then,boom!Fire!"UN just looked at RE with that kind of look that just questions RE's soul.

Mind you I'm just reading a book on the couch and my wing isnt catching on fire.

"Just tell me what actually happened RE."I could tell RE was busted as he drooped his wings in in disappointment before sighing in defeat.

"F-fine,Mongol thought it was a good idea to try and mess with a lighter and when it actually came on she threw it at me.She says she thought it didn't work."RE crosses his arms looking where Mongol is.Who is btw death-stareing RE.

"Oh Jesus christ.."I heard UN say under his breath as he just turns away before seconds after Mongol goes on a chasing spree with RE.

He then turns to me and face palms as I'm just sitting there stareing back like,what else am I meant to do in this?Start chasing RE aswell??Actually that doesn't sound like a bad idea,..

"Anyway,"UN starts,"the main reason I came was to say that you might be able to visit Britain for once.RE might even be able to visit soviet too."For once in like forever,I swear my eyes glimered or some shit like that just hearing about finally(just saying BE hasn't seen Britain in like years 😳) seeing britain again.

"So do you-?"

"Yes."I almost immediately interrupted UN making him just look puzzled at what just happened before he pinched the bridge of his nose before saying something completely different.

"Ok then get ready to go out,and mabie find RE before he gets killed a second time please."

As soon as he finished I was going to get up and practically run to my room,RE ran back into the room and around the couches frantically with a very passed looking Mongol chasing him.

UN just groaned and walked to the entrance to the retirement home to wait for us.

{~a few minutes,no,hours later~}

(Still BE's pov)

I do end up falling into a slight nap on the way there since I had severely underestimated how long it would take to get there,seeing as I know now that where every empire is,is in a place out in nowhere.

I felt myself get jolt awake making me almost fall forward if I hadn't had the seat belt on(They're in UN's car,just thought I had to specify to avoid confusion.).I look over to UN leaning his elbow on the car door and then look back to see RE looking like he's about to burst out laughing.


"Oh,nothing,nothing,it was just a tad funny seeing you almost fall forward."RE almost burst out laughing a few times while talking while I,do not appreciate being jolted awake.

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