Her Independence

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Cass Pov:

  I requested to drive myself to the interview. I wouldn't want people thinking different of me if I showed up in a fancy car with a butler. To Kai's displeasure she gave me the okay and from there I was off.

   I always wanted to be ordinary. No ties to a family name that leaves any form of error for the next scandal for the week. One time, when I was a kid I was waddling behind a row of ducklings and a news article teased that the ducks seemed to be better parents than my parents. The house was tense for days and I never saw ducks again.

   I tapped the steering wheel with anticipation as I pulled into the parking garage.

I looked at the company name in black monochrome letters. "This is it."

   "Welcome to Lux! How can we help you today?"

   "Hello! I'm here for an interview for your seasonal internship?" I greeted the kind older woman with a soft smile and shook her hand.

  "Very polite. It's on the third floor, but better hurry if you want a good seat. Remember the code 5576." She said while pointing to the elevator.

   Once I was in the elevator, I pressed the third floor button. I kept looking at the button I pressed as I felt myself keep going up past three floors. Just great. My first day of freedom and I'm going to die in a faulty elevator. However, the elevator eventually came to a halt followed by the ding ding.

   I quickly stepped off while thanking god for my life. This room was dimly lit and small compared to the size of the building.  I walked forward to an old landline telephone while glancing and the two bookcases on either side of the room. There was a gold plaque with the words enter engraved. I remember the code the receptionist gave me and dialed the buttons. The bookcases then moved outward and another room became open.

    There were a few people here already. The opposite wall that connected to the phone seemed to be the shared wall to a computer screen. Then the room had an auditorium style work spaces. This designed was one of a kind. The work spaces were spacious maybe 20 tops. I grabbed a seat at the bottom as I heard some of the other candidates laugh at my choice to be so low.

   People trickled into the room. All of a sudden the lights dimmed and the room was almost pitch black. A final woman presented herself from out of the bookcase doors known as Francine LeCher. The other interns gasped but she pod no mind to them.

   "You all should know who I am so I will waste no time with introductions. However, it is your job over the next 12 weeks to make an impression on me." Her sharp voice echoed, "and with that being said who is brave enough to volunteer for a demonstration?"

  Everyone's hands shot up like they were five years old who each wanted the first treasure from the toy box. That is, everyone's but mine. LaCher scanned the room back and forth until her eyes finally settled on mine.

   "You" she walked up to me, "do you not think your capable to be here?"

    "I'm capable."

   "Then, why are you the only person who doesn't have their hand raise? What is your name?" Her fingers grabbed my chin, as I stopped my body from shivering.

   I pushed the memories of Kai back into the depth of my mind, "my name is Cass. I knew everyone else would shoot up to volunteer in hopes of making an impression to get noticed by you, so I decided to get noticed first." I looked her in the eye as she slowly let go of my chin.

"Cass you will help me with a demonstration." Everyone else groaned about this being unfair and she continued, "out of the box thinking isn't unfair and there will be no more said about it."

LaCher invited two assistants in who carried a big box. I gulped "What do you want me to do with this?"

"I want you to create something meaningful. Here are items you can use to help you, but please have free will."

I nodded my head. There were paint brushes, screws, X-Acto knives, markers, tapes, and a whole bunch of other things. I picked up the knives and started to cut out pieces of the box to create a resemblance of a fancy house. Slowly, I create a beautiful replica of my old house. Most people would gawk at the meticulous detail but right when everyone began clapping I picked up a can of red paint and slightly popped the lid open. The assumption was I was going to paint the house, but I held the can over the middle of the box and let the paint can concave the home in while small bits of red scatters everywhere.

I walked to my seat as shock was on everyone's face except LaCher. She then clasped her hands together and said thank you while quickly moving on. The interview began with small questions and riddles but ended within an hour. Once we were dismissed we were told an email would be sent by the end of the night if we passed our first day.

I started to over think what I did during the demonstration today. Maybe it was too much. Maybe no one got it. Maybe LaCher thought it rude. Oh I hope I get this email. I waled to my car and decided to go back to the house and await the results.

Hope you enjoy ☺️ please remember to comment and vote. More chapters coming out over the next couple of days! Happy new years

Her Permission (Lesbian Story)(girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now