The Ice Queen

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Cassandra POV.

   My eyes opened to hers staring deeply into mine. Neither of us said a word. How could a murderer be so beautiful and calm. Maybe I judged her all wrong. Maybe she just like me ridiculed and judge by the whole world.

"Uh, good morning." I said.

"Oh yeah, I was trying to just uh wake you up gently. It's already noon and we have a busy day."

I giggled at her, "For it being noon, you sure dressed for the day."

Kai looked down at herself. She hit her palm against her forehead realizing she is still in her silk pajamas.

"To be fair, I've been up for hours. I was just waiting for you, so we can get ready together like a bonding." She stated.


"Okay, well. I'm going to go get dressed now."

"I thought we were getting dressed together for bonding Kai!?"

I heard her fumble in the closet and mumble a string of curses. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.

We made our way downstairs and one of the servingmen gave Kai a clipboard of goals to accomplish. First on the list was cameras.

"Okay, so we need to go through the house and add cameras everywhere you feel necessary. They don't have to be on all the time if we are here, but for events we host or when we are not in the house I would prefer them on at all times of you consent."

"I consent."


We walked through the house as I pointed to areas we should have cameras. Kai seemed impressed by my thoroughness.

Tonight, she planned a ceremonial masquerade ball to commemorate our marriage. This party was not for close family and relatives, but elite individuals to toast our conjoined empire. Basically, I am just like the girls from the Shakespearean plays, a form of alliance to elevate hierarchy, but I guess there are worse fates than living in this estate. I shivered at the thought of my mother making me clean with the maids, yet act like I lived a life of luxury when she had her guests over.

Kai's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "Do you enjoy your life? Because clearly you have no care for mine-"

"Woah. What is going on here? Calm down," I grabbed Kai's arm as I helped the poor girl out on the floor.

"She tried to murder me by accidentally flinging these knives around." Kai's eyes were on the girl ready to track her every move. She looked like a completely different person.

I looked up at Lai as I took the girls hands with my own and helped her off the floor, "How does someone purposefully accidentally try to murder someone."

"No she meant to do it she just meant it to be Abel to be played like an accident."

"Enough." I turned to the girl who was frantically crying and mumbling apologies, "let's go get you cleaned up.

"You will respect me in my house Cassandra!" She grabbed my arm and spun me around toward her.

"You will show me the respect you wish to receive by letting go of me." We stared into each others soul until I broke away and turned my face to look at the girl, "she is injured and you are not, please let me help her."

Kai loosened her grip slowly. She was not happy, but the girl definitely was bleeding and Kai did not have a single scratch and now all of the staff were watching. Probably fearing for my life or this poor girls, but definitely all people afraid of Kai's temper.

"Go, get her cleaned up. I don't want to see her for the rest of the night. But please my love, remember your place. It's above everyone else, but beneath me."

"Of course dear."

The girl went up to Kai and politely bowed away before I rushed her off to the bathroom. I quickly searched for alcohol and bandages and began to clean her small cuts.

"They aren't bad, but you will want to make sure they don't get infected."

"You're a really nice person. How did someone like you marry her." She laughed lightly.

"Well I must be fortune's fool or just have some really inconsiderate parents."

"I bet they miss you dearly. It was probably a tough decision between you and your brother."

"Hey, how do you know about that?"

"Oh, Uhm don't be mad but I over heard one of the staff mention something like glad your in the house of Braxton and not him. He doesn't seem like the best character, but I guess neither is she."

Ah yes, the gossip of the help. Always my favorite, "well you're all set. I would maybe stay way from knives and definitely from Kai for the rest of the night."

"Thank you Miss" was all she said as she scurried out the door.

Now, to go deal with Kai and her temper as I heard more ruckus from the foyer.

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