The Threat

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Kai POV.

   I needed to get Cassandra out of the house for a few hours, so I did what most lovers apparently do according to Miss Dawson, I set up a girls day with her best friend.

   To my luck Shelby Periguni's father is a great ally of mine. They are a prime example of bad ass with class. They are highly regarded by society in all aspects as he deals with many international relations and trading. However, he has a little more patience than I like to have.

Fredrick Periguni is a mean mafia entrepreneur, with a soft spot for letting his enemies dig their own graves, literally dig there own graves! I've never met a man capable of murderer and then showing up to be that grieving family's saint. He is who I inspire to be, a true family man.

Unlike, Mr. Claire who is late for our meeting. I went into the parlor to wait for him. His lack of punctuality has already irritated me enough for the whole month. I breathed in and out slowly as I ground up cannabis and spread it onto the wrap. I haven't smoked much the last few days, but right now I needed all the help I could get to calm down.

"You look like you're about ready to kill someone," Mr. Claire's voice rang from across the room.

As he walked up to me, I took one last draw and blew the smoke onto his face. "Welcome to my home," I smiled as I stuck my hand out for his.

"Well you didn't need to blindfold me. We are family now," he attempted to hug me, but I moved to the side.

   "Let's avoid the pleasantries."

   He huffed, "okay, then. So when are we merging our forces?"

I laughed, "yeah, I don't think so."

"What do you mean? That was the whole point of the arranged marriage!" He slammed his hands against my desk.

I glared at him, "that was the deal you made with my parents, not the deal you made with me."

"No. See, you have this all wrong brat. The only deal that changed was who you married which benefited only you."

"How is that a benefit for me?"

"Well, because you're gay."

"Funny, because despite my sexuality I was going to marry your son. If I recall events correctly, it was your wife who was adamant about the change. I didn't want your daughter, she is nothing but a liability to me."

"Ah yes, but-"

"But nothing, she is more tolerable than your asshole of a son. That is the only benefit that was made in my favor, well I guess that's not a completely true statement either."

"You're not making any sense child!"

"Mr. Braxton, when we both agreed to the revision of a blood signed contract, you didn't think that we would only be able to change one thing, did you?"

   "The contract was the same what are you talking about."

   "Did you read it?"

   "Did I read it?!? Of course I read it!"

   I threw the original copy of the document and the modified version onto the floor in front of him. His face went red with my disrespect. However, in our society his respect must be given to me by status and not age.

  He skimmed each paragraph of the contract, "they're exactly the same. I don't see a difference."

   "The middle sentence of the last paragraph states, if there is any alterations of this contract, the person who did not seek the alterations of the contract may choose the new terms and conditions or develop a new contract. If these terms are not agreed to, then the first contract and truce is null and void."

  "Where is the new information?"

   "I'm glad you asked, Third paragraph in the middle, Braxton and Claire empires will combine when the two spouses become sole heirs of their family's assets. All assists must convert and be operated by Kai Braxton and spouse and every member of the Claire household will convert to Braxton property to avoid war and conflict. There is no tolerance for insubordination."

  "What does this mean?! You trickster!"

   "Now, father don't talk like that to me. You really thought I'd be a naive child? I paid my lawyers to do their job and you thought because my parents died that you could keep your son as a sole heir? Cassandra is not a disposable puppet, and now your son gets nothing because his parents were greedy. You of all people should know there cannot be two kings in a peasants world. And I, ensured my throne due to your selfishness, but don't worry I'll take good care of your daughter. And when you grow old I'll make sure to send you far away to live on mimosa and reflect on what almost was. You have one year to submit to me and denounce James or I will send your children to you piece by piece, starting with that precious son. Oh! And please see yourself out and wait for MY orders, no more shipments or trades. That's all." I waved my hand and my men knocked him on the side of the head to take him home.

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