The Intruder Part II

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Cassandra POV.

I have felt like nothing but a doll the last 48 hours. However, I guess I was use to being the puppet and not the puppeteer my whole life. Of course, when Miss Dawson gave me this elegant ball gown I couldn't say no. I will admit I like Kai's sureness of things, but I still cannot shake the scary feeling I got from watching her lose her temper all day. Hopefully, it is just from the stress, but from the looks like it she did not get her scary reputation from nowhere.

As we made our way into the ball room, music started playing and once again I had no option but to follow Kai's direction. We danced staring into each others soul and soon after her guest followed in our steps. I smiled really big out of no where once I looked around the room and saw just how many people were here.

"Why are you happy all of a sudden?" Kai whispered as she spun me around.

"Well, I imagine I am in room full of murders, saints from old money, and wealthy individuals who would do anything to maintain their wealth and here we are dancing."

She pulled into her slowly and whispered into my ear, "which one am I?"

Shivers were sent down my spine as she spoke. "All three." I timidly said as we pulled away.

She bowed her head as I curtsied. "Which one are you?"

I wasn't expecting that question, but as she kissed my hand I could tell she wasn't looking for an answer. She wanted me to think, but I don't think I am any of those. Her lips lingered on my skin for a moment longer before she let go. This kiss felt different than the one Dax gave me yesterday on my 'wedding day.' This kiss seemed intimate.

As I was circulating the crowd of people I could feel eyes on me everywhere. However, whenever I looked around everyone was engrossed into their own conversation. People were either old or really young like myself. I would admit I've never been to one of these events, but I surely heard about them from my father. These are for really rich people to celebrate while maintains a secret identity. It protects everyone from harm or arguments. My dad always told me that one unspoken rule was to never talk about personal affairs or your business, because then someone you may not want to know your personal life will.

However, I was not a guest with such privacy, I was the host so Kai and I were very distinguishable in the crowd. Maybe that is why no one is talking to me, because they don't feel comfortable knowing my identity because even though my last name says Braxton, I have not proven myself to be one. I still act like a Claire, so I'm seen as a Claire and these folks were probably not too fond of my father who turns his nose up toward crooked business.

As I went to grab a drink from the bar, a woman came up next to me. "For being the lady of hour, you would think one of these gentlemen would've offered you a drink by now" she ordered a drink for me and I smiled in her direction.

She was wearing a red dress with a black mask that went up the side of her face and into her hair. "Well, thank you. I think I am just too new to be trustworthy of their conversation."

"Or you seem too nice." She replied in a monotone voice.

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing, here's your drink." She smiled and took a sip first.

I followed her actions, "this is good, thanks."

She walked me around the room and we gossiped about people's attire. It was very casual talk and when others saw me being social they pulled me into
polite conversations. As the night wrapped up, I kind of wished who the girl in red was so we could chat in real life. She was one of the few young people here, but I guess if she genuinely enjoyed tonight she would reach out. All night I did not see Kai much which was weird, but I'm sure she knew most of her guests.

I decided to return to my room as the caterers finished packing up. The room was pitch black tonight and I was trying to search for a light fumbling around the room and clapping my hands. Next thing I know I felt two hands steady my waist. My heart skipped for a moment and then I felt a cold blade pressed against my neck.

  "Uh Kai?" I panicked.

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