Chapter 33

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Ace POV.

We were just sitting watching what she was doing. After what she did to me, mom believed that I made a mistake by telling her to stay in our house. Abigail has been nice to her even to give her some outfits to wear. We were all shocked to hear her talking and laughing with Maria about the same lame jokes. I came to understand that she is not arrogant and rude to everyone. With how she laughed with the lady who brought her clothes and how rude she was with the guy who brought the electronics just proved me wrong. It made me wonder what was so special about the people she was talking and laughing freely with. The amount of clothes she ordered told us that she was so rich. After Paul searched, we found out that Victor, their dad, was a multi billionaire and he left all his money to them. The fact that Ivy and Adrianna were already billionaires, this made them to be more rich. With the way the both carry themselves, no one can guess they are richer than the Italian Mafia leader. Actually if it was any other person I had kidnapped and forced to live under my roof, they would have brought a tantrum that they do not have clothes and that I should buy for them. I am just curious about all the electronics that she bought. Maybe she didn't want to shift her belongings from their home.

She just left some minutes ago and we are still in shock of what she told Ivan. Sometimes I wish I was a kid. This child gets everything without even pinpointing that he wants it.

"Why would you ask for that in the first place, Ivan?" Abigail asked.

"Cause it is cool," he shouted immediately and happily. No one could destroy his happiness. "At least when someone annoys me it will be defending me and beating the shit out of them just as it did to uncle Ace yesterday."

So he does remember what happened last night.

"Bambina, it is wrong to ask strangers for things," dad said and Ivan looked at him curiously.

"Ooh I know. But her things were just moved into our home so that means she will be staying with us and in no time, she will stop being a stranger," he said with a grin and clapping his hands.

We all knew that no one would change what was in his mind. He is a stubborn kid. But what do we really expect from a kid who spends most of his time with Mark?

"Uncle Mark, did you hear what the pretty lady said?" He asked Mark who was on his phone throughout. I won't be surprised if he doesn't know what is going on. Upon hearing his name, he looked up and raised an eyebrow to Ivan asking him what he wanted. This only made Ivan sigh.

"I asked whether you heard what the pretty lady said,' he asked him again.

Mark looked at us with a confused expression before talking, "Who is he talking about?" He asked.

"Adrianna," Abigail answered and his face turned pale. I wanted to chuckle but I knew that would only result in them glaring at me therefore, I shook my head instead.

"What did she say?" He asked after composing himself and looked back at Ivan.

"That she will make me the little objects that are moving on the air and talking to her," he said with a grin.

"He is joking right?" He asked us but when none of us talked, he knew his answer.

"At least we will have technology on our side. Guys look at it on the brighter side," he said. He does have a point actually.

After that, everyone was silent doing his or her work. I really wanted to go to my office but I was sure I would end up just thinking about her. Hours passed and no one has moved at their sitting position. We heard a cough and we turned to look who it was. Maria was standing there trying to figure us out.

"I wonder why you are always afraid of her. She is harmless," she said and Paul scoffed.

"That is what you believe," Bob said, making her sigh.

"Yes, she is arrogant, rude and cold when given a reason to. I don't know why you kidnapped her but that is the reason she is behaving that way. I have never seen her hurt anyone. As I told you yesterday, both her and Ivy stay at home. Ivy's only work is just staying glued at her computer. The only time she comes out is when she is hungry even at that time, she can just summon you over instead of going to the kitchen. Adrianna on the other side, she is the talkative and most social between the two. She just stays in her bedroom watching netflix but she goes out to the gym and their father's business building. She isn't as bad as you all think. The fact that she has the Italian Mafia leaders on her fingers proves how afraid you are of her. Just stay on her good side and don't give her more reasons to despise you," she said then started walking away but when she reached the dining room doorpost, she turned to look at us, " lunch is ready," she said, making Ivan jump from his seat towards the dining room.

They stood up and went to the dining room but I was not hungry. Deciding to check her room out, I walked upstairs. I opened her room and I was shocked to see that it looked different. Now I understand why she said that she must have a big bedroom. The place was neatly arranged. With a billboard at the opposite of the computers and laptop. I wonder what it was for cause as far as I know, she isn't an FBI. The walls were filled with drawings and some of her pictures together with Ivy. I noticed that even some were taken in a children's home because there were kids surrounding them. I guess Maria is right. She has a pure and kind soul inside her cold facade. I walked to the closet and saw most of her outfits were ragged jeans, booty shorts, boots, crop tops. Other than that, the rest were countable. Now I understand why she didn't look comfortable with the sundress Abigail gave to her. Actually, she doesn't have even one sundress. The only dresses here are gowns. I guess she only wears dresses when she is going to a party. There was a lot of lingerie and I wondered what was the use for all that.

Something about this room gave me a negative vibe. Walking out of the closet, I noticed something turning red and I got near it.

Intruder in the room.

Intruder in the room.

Intruder in the room.

A voice started saying. As I was just recovering from shock, Maria rushed in.

"What are you doing here?" She asked worriedly.

"I just wanted to see all the stuff she had ordered and how she had turned the room to be like," I said and she shook.her head disapprovingly.

"Didn't I just tell you guys to stay on her safe side? She hates when people interfere with her privacy," she said.

"Why did you come running?" I asked.

"Ooh, the systems are in a manner that they recognize people who are given permission to enter. So if there is an intruder, it will inform the one who is in the house and its owner. So apparently, it informed me," she said but I didn't understand.

"How?" I asked but she shrugged.

"I can't explain because I don't know much about computers. The girls are technology experts. If I were you, I would be.worried what she will do cause she knows you invaded her privacy and she never takes that lightly. Now leave," she said and waited for me to leave.

What have I gotten myself into?
She just makes me want to figure her out more.

1363 words.

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