Chapter 51

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Ace POV.

It has been an year since she went. Till to this day, I have never understood why she left. Everyone has being quiet even if they were not close to her. I want to bring her home because of my nephew. Since she left, he has never talked to me. He claims that it is my fault, everyone does. He maybe be talking to them but he is the talkative kid he was.

My men and I have been tracking her down with no success. It have been getting less sleep cause dad ordered me to find her. I went to sleep after two in the morning and here I am waking up at five. She talks with Ivan frequently and we know that she calls about us cause she always ask him how we are doing. At first we were all shocked but later dad told me that maybe that's her nature, to care and worry about the people close to her. I thought that when she got out of this house, that will be the end. She will forget about each and every one of us but again, I was wrong. It seems that I didn't know her at all.

I haven't slept with any woman since she left. My family were shocked and did not believe it at first, but as time went by, they believed and adjusted to it. Abigail and my parents were '-supposed to leave eight months ago but they couldn't cause I was losing it. All I wanted was her and only her. I don't know how she has became a part of my life but she is. They say that its Love. That I am on love with her but I don't really think so.

I got out of my bed and walked towards my bathroom so that I can do my morning routine. After brushing my teeth, I walked to the shower so that I can take a bath. After some few minutes, I was done. I went to the closet and picked a black ragged jean with a blue tee-shirt. I walked out of my room with my phone in my hand. I walked to my office cause I wasn't it the mood to see anyone right now even though of them are just yet asleep.

We have even tried tracking Adrianna with her own technology which is in Ivan's bedroom but we did not succeed. Even with the help of the Mexican and Spanish mafia, we still have not. Most people do not believe how the most dangerous mafias have not yet gotten hold of just one woman. Most think that she is any woman but not. She is strong and also with hers and her sister's technology, it makes it even more difficult to find them.

My desk was filled with papers all over and I wasn't planning on arranging them soon. I opened my laptop and started looking at the city street's cctvs so that I could see their faces but at the end of two hours there wasn't anything to be proud of. No matter how dad looks disappointed in me for not finding them, he knows how much I am trying, how difficult it is to find those two. All I just hope for is that they are okay. That no harm will come to them. But I know for sure, that if they face any difficulty, they will turn to us for help. One of my men who I sent as a spy in the Russian mafia tells me that Elijah is suspicious of who Adrianna is to me cause of how much I have been searching for her. That made us to be so keen since it seemed that we were not careful enough of it got to Elijah. He has been looking for her also cause he believes that she is my weakness. There is no way I going to deny that. Yes she is and I have proud to have a woman like her as my weakness but I don't want or wish that he gets hold of before me.

"You need to have a break, son," mom said and I looked up from my laptop.

"What time is it?" I asked cause if she was here that means I must have lost track on time.

"Its nine in the morning. Come on, lets go and get you some breakfast," she said.

"Be going, I will be there in a few," I said.

"Okay but don't let me call you twice," she said as she left my office, closing the door behind her.

I sighed and messaged my head. Its getting more tiresome each passing day. Honestly, I don't know what I did wrong for her to leave. Yes, I know I was so cold and ruthless towards her but I later changed and I know she was glad I had changed. I need to get to the dining room before mom comes back here. I stood up and walked towards the door. Arriving at the dining room, I found no one and I wondered where the rest of the family was cause I knew for sure that they were already awake. I walked towards the kitchen since I heard mom's voice there.

I saw Maria talking to mom as she cleaned the dishes and mom was preparing my breakfast.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"They already had their breakfast. I think they went to do their work respectively," she said and I nodded my head.

Maria was just looking at me. Since Adrianna left, she never talked to me the way she used to. Just like Ivans, she blamed me for her leaving. I have tried severally to talk to her but it is always in vain.

"Maria, has Adrianna called you? Or maybe even Ivy?" I asked her nonetheless.

"I have never talked to her since the day she stepped out of this house," she said more softly than the last time I talked to her. I nodded my head.

I could see sympathy in her eyes. When she left, no one understood what had happened between us the previous night. They thought I was begging her to stay so that she can help me with the mafia but I as time passed by, they guessed it was much more than that. They came to know we had a night together before they left. Never wanted to accept the fact that I was falling for her but when she left, I discovered that I was already madly in love with her. Now, they all look at me with the same emotion, sympathy. I really hate it cause it shows me how weak I am as a mafia leader.

"Go sit down, I will bring your breakfast soon," mom said and with that, I left the kitchen.

I sat at the table and took out my phone. I looked at her social media accounts but as usual they were inactive for more than a year. In the corner of my eyes, I saw mom setting my breakfast before me.

"Thank you mom," I told her as I put my phone aside.

"It's my duty son. Anyways I have something to discuss with you," she said and I looked at her.

"What? Is there any problem?" I asked horrifyingly.

"No there isn't. It's just something that I am curious about," she said.

"Okay, tell me what it is," I said.

"Do you think that Adrianna is The Poison?" She asked And looked at her confusingly.

"No, why?" I asked.

"Think about it, son. When was the last time you heard about her going out on missions? Wasn't it the same time Adrianna flew away from the country?" She said.

"I understand you but maybe its just a coincidence. You know that if what you are saying is true then be sure that we will never find her so no, I refuse to believe that she is the one," I said as I shook my head.

"Okay, son. Continue having your breakfast, I am going to have some leave now," she said and I nodded my head.

1345 Words.


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