Chapter 25

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Ace POV.

Weeks have passed since the Charity ball. I have been tracking down Adrianna but that woman knows how to hide. I haven't even gotten gold from the information. I also don't know her surname. I am really impressed by her tactics. Dad, on the other hand, has been pushing me to the edge. He claims that he wants the girls on our side as soon as possible. I don't know why but there isn't much I can do other than to listen to them. Abigail and Mike moved from Mexico to here. Mike is planning on opening a restaurant so they will be here for a while, Mark on the other side, he lives here but the guy loves to travel so much. He doesn't care whether he has classes or not. If his head tells him to go to a certain country for a month, then he will go. I wonder how he manages to stay at the top. I guess that is the reason as to why mom and dad never mind what he is doing. He told them a long time ago that they should not expect him to inherit any family business, he wants to start from crashes. Perks of being a last born is that he doesn't have to take over. Even though Abigail is older than I, she had no intentions of leading the mafia so dad made sure that I was ready for it at a younger age.

After getting ready for the day, I walked out of my room and went downstairs where all of my family members were.

"Morning," I said to all as I took Ivan in my arms. This little guy has made it his habit to sit on my site so that I can hold him. Not that I mind, it's just that Abigail hates it and I hate when she lectures me.

"Ivan, what did I tell you about sitting there?" Abigail asked and Ivan smiled innocently at her, making us chuckle.

"Ace, you are spoiling that kid so much," she said and I rolled my eyes.

"He is my only nephew, Abigail. What do you expect?" I asked her.

"If you don't want him to get spoiled so much, then why don't you get another child so that Ivan can share all our love for him," Mark said with a grin. I shook my head.

Yes, he is so clever but also so stupid. He talks without thinking.

"Can you just shut up. Why can't you go and get your own child?" Abigail asked him.

"Ooh, because I don't have a vagina and uterus," he said and Abigail threw a pancake his way making him laugh out loud.

"You are a dick," she said.

"Yeah. Cause I have it," he said and continued laughing.

I shook my head at their stupidity. I guess they can never change at all. They have always been bickering since we were kids.

"There is a kid here so can you two stop cursing?" Mom asked.

"Grandma, they always cuss. I am already used to it," Ivan said with a grin while his mother glared at him.

"Grandpa, mommy is looking badly at me because I am telling the truth,"he said with a smirk.

"Abigail, stop glaring at the kid," dad said.

Ivan talks frequently for a child of his age. He also knows when to take revenge or not.

"Why are you supporting him instead of supporting me?" Abigail asked dad with a pout on her face making us chuckle at her childishness.

"Such a baby mommy is," Ivan said while laughing and mom smiled at him.

"I am not a baby," Abigail argued.

"Ooh. My bad then but I guess you are since you are pouting like a two year old child," he said with a grin.

"No I am not,"

"Yes, you are,"

"No. I am not," Abigail said.

"See, you are even arguing with a four year old kid," he said while laughing loudly.

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