Chapter 47

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Adrianna POV.

We finished painting and designing the room. All of the clothes we had ordered are already here and well arranged in the wardrobe. Leone has arranged a way where I will give birth at the hospital with no one knowing my identity or even discovering that I was there. My little princess will be born soon. I saw some clothes online from Africa by the name dera and I ordered some. They are really comfortable and no one can really tell that I am pregnant while I wear them. I have been wearing them for the last few weeks. Now, I am wearing one with red and black flowers. I walked downstairs hoping that Ivy was already up cause I was really hungry.

Unfortunately, I found no one downstairs. The only option left is to cook. All I crave for right now is smokies. I don't know how and in the beginning of my pregnancy even their smell would make me nauseous. Wait, those were sausages if I am not wrong. I walked to the fridge and opened it. I got out two packets of smokies and walked towards the cooker afterwards. I cooked all of them. They were sixteen in total and I wondered whether I would finish them or would I want more. I placed them on a plate and walked to the dining room. Within thirty minutes, I was down and I felt as if I was satisfied. I still wonder how no matter the amount of food I eat, my body shape hasn't changed at all. I decided to cook more. I took the dirty plate and walked to the kitchen. I placed it in the sink then walked to the fridge and took another packet.

As I was cooking them, Ivy walked in.

"Good morning," she greeted.

"Good morning to you too," I said without looking at her.

She walked to the fridge then I heard her call my name.

"What?" I asked.

"Where have three packets of smokies gone?"she asked.

"The baby," I said.

"And what are you cooking?" She asked.

"I had cooked two packets but I wasn't satisfied so I am cooking one more,"I answered and she shook her head.

"Go and sit, I will bring them to you when they are ready," she said and I nodded my head before walking out of the kitchen.

After some time, she brought the smokes and I devoured them as if I had not previously eaten them.

Since Ivy was still in the kitchen, I saw no need to call her so that she could pick up the plate so I stood up so that I could take it to the sink. On the way,I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I stopped walking and stood up for a minute and the pain stopped. I continued walking and the pain returned. I felt the pain till I reached the kitchen when it became more severe making me scream. I saw Ivy rushing towards me and she looked at me with shock.

"Did you just pee on yourself?" She asked and that is when I looked at myself.

I was confused at first then it hit me! I was in labour.

"The baby,"I struggled saying but eventually did it.

"Does that mean the water just broke?" She asked and I nodded my head.

She panicked and I bet it was because she didn't know what to do.

"Go take the bag then we will go to the hospital," I told her and she nodded. She rushed upstairs and I struggled to walk towards the front door. It wasn't easy but at least, I had walked some steps before she came back. She helped me to get out of the house and climb the car.

I was in so much pain that I did know what to do. All I just wanted is to stop this pain. It is much worse than being tortured. I wasn't really concentrating on how Ivy was driving since I was so busy rubbing my belly.

I looked up and saw that she was driving at a very high speed limit. If it was someone else, they would have been afraid but I drive worse than her so there was nothing to be afraid of.

"Does...does Leone know...," I was asking but to the pain, I was unable to complete the sentence.

"That we are on our way and you are in labour?" She asked and I nodded my head immediately.

"Yes, I did tell her when I was upstairs," she said and I was relieved.

After some minutes we arrived at the hospital and from a distance. I could see Leone waiting for us with some nurses accompanying her. Ivy walked out of the car and signalled her to come and help her. She opened my door and I struggled to get out. Immediately I was out, I was placed on the patient's bed and rushed inside. I was taken to a private area. Leone came and checked whether I was stable.

"So Adrianna, we are going to start right now. I know it will be painful but I need you to try your best and don't give up. Okay?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"At the count of three, I want you to start pushing," she said and I nodded my head.



"Three." She counted even using her fingers. Immediately she said the word three, I pushed all I could. I grabbed the bed sheets as I repeated the some procedure over and over again.

I felt someone grabbing my right hand and I shifted a little bit so that I could see who it was. It was Ivy, I had not even realised that she was situated beside me. She gave my hand a little squeeze and a small smile which I returned tiredly.

"Again, Adrianna," Leone said and I looked at her before nodding.

I pushed for many minutes and I was really getting tired.

"I ca...can't do that again. I...I a..m tire...d," I said in between the cries.

"You can't give up right now, Adrianna," Ivy said and I glared at her.

"Easy for to say cause you are not the one pushing," I said angrily.

"Easy," Leone said.

"Just try pushing a little more. You can't give up now. Do you want to give up on your little princess?" She asked and I remained silent because what she said reminded me of something.

My mother or should I say parents gave up on me. I don't want that for my daughter. I will provide her with all the love that I never received. That thought was enough for me to push one more time and with all of my strength.

"We can see the head Adrianna, keep it up. One more time and you will be done," Leone said and I nodded my head before pushing once more.

We heard a cry and I smiled.

"You did it," Ivy exclaimed.

"Yes, I did it," I said.

I was so tired and I knew that I was going to.pass out anytime soon but I was trying my best so that I could at least see my child.

After she was cleaned up, Leone brought her to me. I took her in my hands and kissed her little forehead.

"What are you going to name her?" Leone asked.

"Hope Jasmine," I said and she moved.

"That's a beautiful name," Ivy said and we all agreed with her.

"You need to rest. You are so tired. You will be taken to your room in a few. I ordered that her crib should also be there so you will be with her," Leone said and I nodded.

She told the nurse to take Jasmine. Immediately she took her, darkness engulfed me.

1321 words.

Hello guys😊.

So far so good, we are almost at the end of the book🤗.

I am planning on competing this book by the end of this month so that I can continue with my others books.

Hence stay tuned for more updates and the final this September!!

Don't forget to vote, comment and share😊♥.

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