Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"The last thing I remember is head lights coming right at me." I whispered, not even bothering to wipe away the tears this time. I knew they wouldn't stop. 

I looked up at Harry, who was crying alongside everyone in the room. I didn't know why, no one had died, not even Owen. He was fine. 

Please, don't cry." I pleaded, burying my face in Harry's neck. 

When I let go of Harry his eyes meet mine. I noticed it wasn't sorrow, or sadness, or even sympathy that clouded his eyes, but pure, clear anger. 

"Why did you stay with him?" He cried. 

"I don't know Harry. I was so scared of him. I see now how stupid it was." I whispered, playing with my fingernails. 

"That bastard!" Zayn suddenly shouted as he stood up abruptly. "How could he do that to you?!" 

"Zayn, calm-" Niall started, but he didn't get to finish. 

"No! How can I? You can't do something like that, and then just get away with it!" Leave it to Zayn to freak the fuck out. His eyes were wide with fury. 

I wiped my eyes in attempt to compose myself. It had been harder than I expected it to be, to open up and let all that weight on my shoulders fall away. The memory would never leave, it would stay with me forever, but at least people I cared about knew about my past. I wanted them to trust me.

The thing was, I didn't want them to think I was something so delicate that with one touch it would break. It was long ago enough that I had put up a wall protecting myself from anything that could hurt me. I knew that no matter what happened to me after the accident would be nothing in comparison to the accident itself. 

When you go through something like that, it changes you. You learn to appreciate what you have whole you have it, and that people make terrible decisions. Those terrible decisions lead to terrible outcomes, like the one I experienced. 

Sometimes I just wanted to curl up in a corner and face my fears by thinking of it. It's worked before; when I was younger I was always really freaked out about someone breaking a bone. It made me cry and hold myself in a tight ball so I wouldn't break. I soon learned that doing that just made me react that way whenever someone around me got hurt. 

So, to face my fear, I watched The Karate Kid, when the boy got his knee dislocated. I watched it over and over again, and by the 5th time, broken bones didn't scare me anymore. 

But that isn't what I can do about this. I'm not a broken bone. I will not recover and get better completely. There would always be at part of me that would never be 100% open to everything. I had trusted Owen with my life, but he abused me and I will always remember the look in his eye when he got in the car that night.

But now I was better. Not fully, I don't think I'll ever be, and I don't think there is anything I can do about that. Harry Styles made me a better person, inside and out. He was the light that kept me going, my personal cheerleader motivating me to be someone I would be proud to know. He completed me in a way he would never understand.

And I was so grateful. 



I graduated Middle School and I'm OFFICIALLY a freshman! :P This summer's gonna be amazing, but I really wish it would stop raining and rise 30 degrees. This is bird poop! 

Anyways, I am really sorry this chapter is so short. I'll probably update another one later today since I finished school for the year. :) Enjoy!



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