Episode 19: Announcement: Sinister Or Promising?

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-Il-deung and Soo-ah bid their goodbyes to Ha-rin. She went inside to check what's taking Seo-jun so long. As she took a few steps, Seo-jun pulled her closer from beside. Ha-rin landed close to him with her hands on his shoulders. Ha-rin once again was shocked by his actions. Before Ha-rin could say anything, Seo-jun kissed her passionately. Her eyes wide open, not understanding a single thing. Seo-jun broke the kiss.
Seo-jun: Ha-rin, I love you! I always wish for just one day, if I could be with you. Just one day if I could hold your hand. Before I met you... I never realized how empty my life was. Whenever I see you smile, my heart skips a beat. You make me love you more every passing day. I don't know from when I have started loving you, but now I am so deeply in love with you that I can't just let you go! I love you with all my heart Ha-rin. Will you be my girlfriend?
-Ha-rin could not believe her ears. She could not accept that her love just proposed her. She just started laughing.
Ha-rin: Oh my God! I used to have dreams like this but this one's just so realistic. (She could not stop laughing) I hope I never wake up from this dream. (Seo-jun smiled at her)
Seo-jun: Ha-rin, do you trust me?
Ha-rin: Hmm.
Seo-jun: Then let me tell you, this time you are not dreaming. (He caressed her cheek) Want me to make you believe this? (Ha-rin stopped laughing. She just stared at him)
Ha-rin: Seo-jun...
Seo-jun: Hmm?
Ha-rin: Do you really love me?
-Seo-jun once again placed his lips on hers and pecked her gently. He smiled.
Seo-jun: This is my answer. (Ha-rin could not process anything. She just stared at him with her doe eyes)
Seo-jun: I will wait for your answer. Good Night! (He one last time caressed her cheek and left)
Ha-rin: Huh, what just happened? (She blankly asked herself) Was I just kissed and proposed by my crush? (She said and touched her lips. She covered her face and dropped herself on the sofa. After that what happened, no one knows)
-on the other side, Il-deung and Soo-ah were heading to their homes. There was a complete silence between them. Suddenly Soo-ah spotted an ice cream truck. She unknowingly held Il-deung's hand in elation. He looked at her and then at their hands.
Soo-ah: Il-deung, look! An ice cream truck! I used to go everyday to one when I was little. It has been so long since I had one. Please Il-deung, let's go know! (She said with her puppy eyes)
Il-deung: Hmm. (He couldn't resist her cuteness but tried best not to smile)
-Soo-ah smiled brightly and ran to the ice cream truck. But unfortunately while running, she fell down and hurt her ankle. Il-deung immediately approached her.
Il-deung: Soo-ah, are you okay?
Soo-ah: Yes, I am fine. (She tried to stand up but failed)
-that instance, Il-deung picked her up in his arms and walked up to the near bench. Soo-ah, without blinking, gazed at his face. Il-deung made her sit on the bench.
Soo-ah: Il-deung, I wanted that ice cream.
Il-deung: You wait here. I will bring it for you.
Soo-ah: Really!?
Il-deung: Hmm.
Soo-ah: Can you bring me cookies and cream flavored one? (Hearing this Il-deung shot up a glance at Soo-ah)
Il-deung: (in mind) Cookies and cream? That's Cupcake's favorite flavor as well!
Soo-ah: Il-deung what happened? Won't you go and bring it for me?
Il-deung: Hmm. (He slightly nodded and went to get an ice cream for her. He also bought a ice cup for her leg. He soon returned and handed the ice cream to her)
Soo-ah: Where's yours?
-Il-deung didn't reply as Soo-ah looked down, slowly started licking her ice cream. Once she started, Il-deung knelt down and placed her wounded ankle over his knee. Just when the ice cup touched Soo-ah's ankle, she flinched.
Soo-ah: What are you doing?
Il-deung: Isn't it obvious? (He said and started rubbing the ice cup gently on her ankle. Soo-ah lovingly glanced at him. Whenever he looked at her, she started focusing on her ice cream) Soo-ah, will you...
-He couldn't complete his sentence when Soo-ah brought her ice cream cone very close to his mouth asking him to eat as well.
Il-deung: Soo-ah... (This time she shoved the ice cream in his mouth. He had no choice so he took a bite while Soo-ah giggled)
Soo-ah: Good boy! (Il-deung scoffed hearing her)
Il-deung: Come on, let's go now.
Soo-ah: Hmm. (She stood up but her ankle didn't support her. She was about to fall again but Il-deung held her. Soo-ah's eyes were closed because of the pain. Il-deung stared at her cute face. After a moment Soo-ah opened her eyes and found him staring at her.) Were you just staring at me?
Il-deung: You really dream a lot! (As he said that he took a bite of the ice cream which was in front of her face) I was looking at the ice cream, not you. (He said and made her stand properly)
Soo-ah: Ouch! I don't think I will be able to walk. What should I do now? (She whined)
Il-deung: Such a drama queen. (He sighed and sat down) Get on my back!
Soo-ah: Are you sure?
Il-deung: If you don't want to then... (Soo-ah immediately got on his back. Il-deung smirked in victory)
-Il-deung and Soo-ah soon reached in front of their houses. It seemed that Soo-ah's mesmerizing journey has come to an end...for now! She got down from his back and stared at his face. She thought how the cool breeze hit her face and how light she felt when Il-deung carried her all the way to her home. She never wanted to step down and wanted to hold onto him lifelong.
Soo-ah: (in mind)Il-deung, do I love you? Have I fallen for you already?
Il-deung: Yah, Soo-ah!? (Il-deung snapped his fingers in front of Soo-ah. She came back to reality)
Soo-ah: Huh?
Il-deung: When will you stop dreaming?
Soo-ah: (in mind) I will dream of you until it comes to reality. (She thought and smiled)
Il-deung: Wah, you are even smiling now?
Soo-ah: Oh, it's nothing.
Il-deung: Well, will you manage to get safely to your bed?
Soo-ah: Of course. (She wished she could say no)
Il-deung: Hmm.
Soo-ah: Il-deung, (he looked at her) thank you for today.
Il-deung: Hmm.
Soo-ah: Umm, I'll go in first. Good night!
Il-deung: Hmm.
Soo-ah: Won't you wish me back? (Il-deung looked at her when she said that) Never mind. (She dejectedly turned back and started walking)
Il-deung: Good night and take care. (He said as and turned to leave. Soo-ah's heart melted hearing his eternal voice. She slowly went inside her home with a sweet smile on.)

Next day
Setting: Yonsei High School
-Ha-rin was walking in the locker hallway deep in her thoughts about last night. She just could not believe it was a dream or reality. Il-deung, watching his phone, entered the same hallway and witnessed a lost Ha-rin. He went near her and patted her on the shoulder. As soon as she looked on that side, Il-deung moved to the other side and patted her other shoulder. She was about to look the other side but then realized it must be her Buttercup.
Ha-rin: (in mind) He still thinks he can trick me?
-She acted as if she was about to look the other side but she looked back.
Ha-rin: Gotcha! (Il-deung did not expect this reaction. As a resulted their faces were really close to each other. They looked in to each other's eyes and then were embarrassed as hell for no reason)
Il-deung: Umm, we should go to the class. The bell will ring any time now.
Ha-rin: Ya, you are right. Let's go!
-They both left. Apart from any one's knowledge, Soo-ah actually witnessed them together. She felt sad.
Soo-ah: Il-deung, why can't I be her? (She said to herself sadly and headed to the class)
-the teacher entered the class. He had a mysterious smile on his face making the students curious.
Il-deung: Mr. Choi, what's that smile about?

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