Episode 5: His Resent Hurts

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Setting: Yonsei High School 
Ae-cha: Oh really? Tell me her name then...
Il-deung: Kim Ha-rin! She is my girlfriend! The prettiest, the loveliest, my everything! (Ha-rin didn't expect that coming)
Ae-cha: Her?! Don't lie sweetheart!

Ae-cha smirked at him but it soon faded away as soon as Il-deung took one of Ha-rin's hands and fed himself with a nugget. He later placed a soft kiss on the same hand due to which Ha-rin couldn't help but be awestruck. Half the cafeteria blushed while the other-half were shocked as hell among whom, Seo-jun was a candidate as well. Ha-rin, without further a thought dragged Il-deung in an empty hallway and slapped him. However that slap couldn't attain the intensity of hurting Il-deung as he was her both, strength and weakness. 
Ha-rin: Na Il-deung!!!  Why did you do that? What has gotten into you? Are you crazy?
Il-deung: Yeah! Only for you!

He slowly moved closer to her however this didn't intimidate her. On the other hand, the overwhelming emotions within Seo-Jun couldn't stop him from eavesdropping their conversation. Ha-rin slightly pushed Il-deung as she rebelled once again.

Ha-rin: Il-deung! This isn't funny! Now everyone will think I am your girlfriend which I am certainly not! Why did you just do that? 
Il-deung: Cupcake, you know I hate girls like that. I couldn't think of anything else at that time. 
Ha-rin: Still Buttercup, what you did was wrong. (She lowered her voice) Now what will he think?
Il-deung: He? Whom are you talking about?
Ha-rin: No one! (She cleared her throat) Il-deung I am not talking to you. You'll only get my apology when you'll fix this mess! You know I don't like to be a person about whom the whole school will gossip about. (She ended this convo and left him)
Il-deung: But what's wrong if the whole school thinks you are my girlfriend? (He whispered to himself)

Meanwhile Seo-Jun was pissed off at Il-deung. Ha-rin ignored Il-deung the whole day. After the class ended, Ha-rin and Soo-ah were walking to the parking spot

Soo-ah: What happened Kiyomi? You were stressed the whole day! Is it because of what happened in the cafeteria today?
Ha-rin: Yup! I still can't believe Buttercup would do something like this! I know he sometimes behaves like my boyfriend to cheer me up or to tease me but never in front of everyone.
Soo-ah: It's okay Kiyomi! I understand.
Ha-rin: You do? (Soo-ah nodded)
Soo-ah: Mm hmm, 'cause I know you are an INFP, right? You don't like being in the limelight much!
Ha-rin: Yup! You understand me so well! (She held both of her hands)
Soo-ah: You do too! 

Ha-rin and Soo-ah, to a stranger would seem nothing less than real sisters. They were the definition of "time doesn't define the strength of friendships". That moment, Seo-jun approached them.

Seo-jun: Kim Ha-rin, we will meet at the library at 7pm.
Soo-ah: What? Library? Why? Is there something going on here that I should know?
Ha-rin: No no, nothing like that! We just meet at the library near our homes to complete the assignment.
Il-deung: Cupcake please forgive me! (He appeared in front of her from nowhere) I'll do anything you say!
Ha-rin: Bye Soo-ah and I'll meet you later Seo-jun! (Ha-rin acted like she didn't hear or see Il-deung. She just sat on her motorcycle and with that said, she rode off leaving him dumbfounded, while Soo-ah was giggling behind his back)

Setting: Sinchon Alley
It was the time of dusk when Ha-rin was waiting for Seo-jun in the library. She was reading a book about two childhood friends as her focus was constantly stolen by her Buttercup. Just then Seo-jun entered and found Ha-rin leaning on a book-shelf, lost in her thoughts

Ha-rin: Did I ignore him way more than he deserved? (She questioned herself in her mind)
Seo-jun: What are thinking about?
Ha-rin: Buttercup...

She subconsciously uttered his name but reality hit her soon enough as she apologized and initiated to start their work. However, Seo-jun's mood turned off when he heard 'Buttercup' from her mouth. They both were discussing about the ending of the assignment but Seo-jun wasn't really contributing. It was just Ha-rin talking and Seo-jun humming in response.

Ha-rin: What has happened to him today? He's not even speaking a word! (She thought. She wasn't able to bear only her talking so she finally spoke) Han Seo-jun? Are you listening? Did something happen?
Seo-jun: Doesn't matter... I guess we're done. Only a little work is left and it will be completed next time. I will leave now. 

Seo-jun concluded his departure as he stepped out of the library all by himself. Ha-rin felt left out. She took all the stuff and came out of the library too and saw Seo-jun leaving.

Ha-rin: Good Night Seo-jun...
Seo-jun: Good Night Ha-rin... 

They wished but kept their voices to themselves...

Next Day
Setting: The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf café
Ha-rin was working at the café when Seo-jun entered. He went to change and started to work as well. None of them spoke anything. Seo-jun had it all, her attention, her curiosity, her sight. She was pouring hot coffee in a cup when she inevitably spilled some coffee on her hand. She hissed in pain. Seo-jun quickly held her hand and took some ice and rubbed it gently on her hand.

Seo-jun: Did you forget to charge your brain? Why are you always in your own world?

Ha-rin was just staring at his concerned face with a small smile. In her eyes, Seo-jun seemed like that worried protagonist of a romance comedy drama who would secretly care for his girl but never let it show.

Seo-jun: Does it hurt still? (She nodded)
Ha-rin: But not more than you ignoring me! (She just couldn't say it aloud)
Seo-jun: Take a leave, I'll manage today. (It seemed as if he read her mind and let go of her hand that instant)
Ha-rin: Are you sure? I thought you were colder than this ice. But maybe you aren't! I will join soon. (She smiled and went to change)
Seo-jun: Why does she own my concern? (His mind asked his heart)
Ha-rin: Bye and take care! (She prepared to leave)
Seo-jun: You too... (He wished quietly while looking at her disappearing figure)

Setting: Kim Ha-rin's Bedroom
Ha-rin: What's up with him? Sometimes he acts nice, most times cold. He seems hurt inside, but shows himself as rude and bold. (She recited while covering her injured hand with a bandage) What is happening to me? How did I suddenly become poetic? I'm not in love, am I? 
-alas, love does makes people poetic...

Day after tomorrow
Setting: Yonsei High School
Soo-ah: Good Morning Kiyomi! (She wished her as soon as she got off her motorcycle)
Ha-rin: Good Morning! 
Soo-ah: Kiyomi, what happened to your hand? Is everything okay? 
Ha-rin: Calm down Darling! It was just a small accident!
Soo-ah: Tell me how it happened! (Then Ha-rin told her all about it while walking to the locker hallway) See! I told you he is not that bad!
Ha-rin: Yup! Maybe you're right! Maybe he is not so bad after all! (Seo-jun heard Ha-rin as he was standing just beside Soo-ah's locker)

After taking all the necessary items, all of them went to the class. Ha-rin was thinking to forgive Il-deung who looked pretty dejected the whole class. Using sign language, he even asked what happened to her hand. He didn't care about Ha-rin's apology 'cause Ha-rin herself was his first priority. Soon the bell rang and the class ended. Il-deung was called to the staff room to fill up a form. Soo-Ah and Ha-rin packed their things and went to cafeteria. While the girls were serving themselves with food, Ae-cha and her sidekicks were glaring at them from a distance. Soon a boy came to them. He was Ae-cha's brother. Even he was a bully, maybe even more manic than her. 

Hyun-bin: What's up Sis? Who dared to speak against you?
Ae-cha: That imbecile! I just want to teach her a freaking lesson for what she did! (She spitted out the words furiously as she almost took her stomps towards Ha-rin when her brother stopped her)
Hyun-bin: You will get what you want but not now. After class, she will pay for what she did! (he assured her with an evil smirk)
Ae-cha: What are you planning?
Hyun-bin: Just wait and watch!

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