[Chapter Forty-Three]: All For None

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Earlier that night...

"This is the spot the receiver is showing," Yaoyorozu said, her back against a wall, staring at what looked like an abandoned warehouse on the outside. Carbon leaned forward to get a better look, inadvertently getting a bit too close to the girl.

"Their hideout... That's their hideout...?" Carbon whispered; he wasn't too surprised at this, if he was being honest. 

"It really looks like one," Kirishima added, leaning forward as well. 

"I don't know if it's their hideout or not, but from what I can see on the receiver, the villain has not left here for the past day," Yaoyorozu stated. She turned to face the others. "Also—" Then she paused, staring at Carbon, who had closed his eyes and clenched his fist, his face shadowed. "Is everything all right?"

"...You... You're amazing!" he stated, in awe of Yaoyorozu, his eyes gleaming at the sight of her. "Such an incredible intellect! I have no regrets that I studied with you for the final exams, it's clear that you're so talented!" Yaoyorozu blushed at all the praise she was getting, but Zion looked at the two sceptically.

"Psst, Walker, Wyatt," he whispered to the two closest boys, his voice inaudible for everyone else. "That's suspicious, he chose studying with Yaoyorozu over studying with his own twin?"

"Be quiet, Zion, you're just jealous she rejected you," Walker said, rolling his eyes. "A boy breathing in the vicinity of a girl does not mean that he likes her."

"I think that they look cute together," Wyatt claimed, and Walker facepalmed, wishing that Y/N was here to understand how he felt. 

Iida cleared his throat to get all of their attention and said, "Save the praising for another time. Unfortunately, we don't have anyone who excels at sneaking, like Jiro or Hagakure, with us. If I think it's even the least bit dangerous, I will stop you immediately. Because I am your friend, I will not hesitate to call the police, either."

"Hold on, Iida," said Carbon, reaching into his pockets. He then pulled out a glass bottle, which had a silvery liquid inside of it. Iida stared at it, clearly confused, but Carbon smirked. "Invisibility Potion, Iida."

"You can use those?" Wyatt exclaimed, surprised at this new revelation. "Since when?"

"Since training camp," Carbon shrugged. "They're pretty rare when you consider the steps of getting these items in my inventory, so I was saving it for when it would be most useful, or when I could spare some. But don't tell Hagakure," he added guiltily, not wanting the girl to feel worse about herself if she knew that Carbon could turn invisible. "I only have this one, and it's only going to last a couple of minutes, so I don't plan on wasting it."

"What can we do with what we have...?" Midoriya muttered, thinking about a possible plan for them. I've gotta think... The prerequisite is that we not use our Quirks or fight with the villains. On top of that, we need to figure out if Kacchan is in that building or not. ブツ ブツ ブツ ブツブツ ブツ ブツ ブツブツ ブツ ブツ ブツブツ ブツ ブツ ブツブツ ブツ ブツ ブツブツ ブツ ブツ ブツブツ ブツ ブツ ブツブツ ブツ ブツ ブツブツ ブツ ブツ ブツ"

"It's been a while since I saw that muttering," Kirishima remarked, whilst Zion and Wyatt, who weren't used to his muttering, looked a bit concerned for the boy. 

"That's normal..." Zion muttered to himself. "That's normal... Wait a minute, could he be a main character too?"

"What're you murmuring about?" Walker questioned, but Zion shook his head. 

"Nothing, laddie," he said in his British accent, which Walker frowned at. He was under the impression that Zion had given it up. 


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