[Chapter Twenty-Two]: Listen up!! A Tale From The Past

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"Thank you, sir!" the twins said together, bowing their heads.

"Carbon, Y/N," Overlord began in front of the building he trained the two in, looking serious, his arms crossed like always, "remember what I've taught you here. Next time we meet again like this, I want to see how you two have changed. ...Oh, and Y/N?" Y/N raised his head to look at Overlord properly. "Don't come over for training any more."

Y/N gasped, "What?! Why!?" 

"Because I simply can't teach you that much anymore," said Overlord. "That, and, like I previously said, I want to see you as a new person. I want to see what you've learnt. Am I understood!?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Good," Overlord replied, and glanced at the briefcase holding the hero costume he had supplied Y/N with. "Take good care of your hero costume. Next time you end up doing something similar to an internship with me, I'll see if I can improve it. Until then, I send my best wishes to the both of you." 

The twins bowed again, and walked silently away from Overlord, their briefcases in their hands, a sense of awkwardness rising in the air. 

"You two!" Overlord suddenly said, causing the boys to stop walking and turn around. "What are your names?

They blinked in confusion. 



From Overlord's current body language, they knew he was smirking, "Tell me the correct answer next time we meet." 

...But those are our names.

'Eh, tough crowd.'

"There is a hidden meaning behind that question, one of which we do not know of yet."

I don't even know if that sentence makes sense since I can barely hear you, but okay.


The twins walked into their classroom... to see Kirishima and Sero laughing frantically at Bakugo's ha- Oh my god. PFFT, HAHA! OH MY GOSH, THAT IS THE FUNNIEST SH-

"A hero in training does not use such vulgar language."

'Silence, nerd.'

Y/N was then immediately side tackled by a pink haired girl, with pink skin to match. 

"Oh, what the hell?!" he cried out in surprise, almost tripping over a table leg. "Mina, what the —"

"That's honestly what you deserve after ignoring me!" she shouted at him, gaining a few eyes from his curious classmates. 

He grabbed her gently by the wrist and moved her with him towards the corner of the room. "Okay, okay, look, I'm sorry." Considering her annoyed face, just 'I'm sorry' didn't seem to be satisfying her enough. He scratched the top of his head, feeling that familiar itching sensation, and then sighed, "Okay, I'll... How do I make it up to you?"

She whispered softly into his ear, "Can't we just hang out like we agreed in the Sports Festival?" 

"I mean, that wasn't really an agreement, but..." he paused, looking into her persuasive eyes. Too... beautiful...! "...I guess we could." 

"I'll tell you when it's time!" she said joyfully, walking away from Y/N in a much more positive attitude than before. ...But Y/N hit his head on the wall. It hurt, yes, but he didn't really care. Ugh... women... Such a complicated gender...

"Well, one could additionally say the same for how women see men, as they obviously will find it difficult to understand such ways."

'Basically, Hansha said that women must find men as confusing as we find women.'

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