[Chapter Fifteen]: The Sport Festival's Climax

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"The first match of the semifinals!" Present Mic announced, as Y/N gulped. "Both of them were recommended into U.A. and are from the same class! It's a battle of the most elite! From the hero course, it's Shoto Todoroki!" Hearing the audience cheer for Todoroki did not help Y/N's nerves. He was facing Todoroki, arguably the top student of his class. He used his flames against Midoriya... If he's going to start using his other side now... then this match is going to be even harder... Y/N looked at the red and white haired boy, and Todoroki stared back, causing Y/N to feel the most intimidated he has ever been. And I had to deal with Athos for some time... But Todoroki's on a whole other level when it comes to intimidation! "Versus...  Also from the hero course, Y/N L/N!" Fortunately for him, he calmed down slightly after hearing some cheering for him. "Ready..." I can't deal with the ice as effectively as Midoriya, but I have to try my best either way! 

'You do realise that you're at the disadvantage here, right?' 

Of course I do... Why else would I be so nervous? 

'Then you know that you may be wanting to learn how to use that Endurance of yours...' 

What, do you not know? 

'I told you that I gave you your Strength. I have no idea how to use Endurance!' 

Oh well, I'll just rely on Strength! 


Predictably, Todoroki sent ice towards him the instant the match started, causing Y/N to choose between two things... Should he negate the ice with Strength, or evade the attack? I can't sacrifice an arm this early in! I need to dodge! Y/N charged Strength in his leg and jumped to the side. However, before Y/N even landed, Todoroki placed his hand down and sent more ice. 

How do I move in the air...? ...Think, think, think! HURRY! ...Wait, I know what to do! 

He clenched his teeth, and hit his back with a 10% Strength Punch. The attack on himself gave him the momentum to move away from the ice approaching, but at the cost of damage on his back. Nonetheless, Y/N landed... and then realised that he had another problem. To his right was the first ice attack Todoroki sent... and to the left was the second. He chanced a glance behind him, and saw that it was only going to lead to out of bounds. There was only one direction he could go in... and that was towards Todoroki. 

"Y/N's been surrounded!" Present Mic announced. Right after he said this, Todoroki sent another ice attack in the direction of Y/N. His eyes widened, as he realised that his options were very limited now. "And Todoroki's going in for the win right away!" The ice was getting closer... he only had a second or two to think—

"Midoriya, I'm borrowing your move!" Y/N shouted, pointing a finger at Todoroki's ice, channeling 100% Strength in it and shooting a shockwave at the ice. He bit his lip to suppress a scream at the sudden pain in his now broken finger, whilst the ice was blown apart. Todoroki seemed to be surprised for a moment, staring at Y/N. "You're not getting me out that easily." Y/N clenched the fist with the broken finger, glaring at Todoroki. "You declared war on the wrong person! If you want to win this match..." Y/N charged 10% of Strength in a leg. "...THEN YOU'LL HAVE TO TRY HARDER!" 

Y/N jumped towards Todoroki, ready to attack the boy. However, Todoroki proceeded to try another ice attack, which would be more effective when Y/N was in the air. He gritted his teeth, channeled Strength in another finger, and flicked it at the ice, stopping his momentum but destroying the ice and blowing Todoroki back slightly. Despite this, since he had already dealt with someone with power like Y/N, Todoroki used ice to stop himself from going out of bounds. 

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