[Chapter Twenty-Five]: Encounter

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Athos stared at a photo of Y/N from the Sports Festival, his chin resting on his fist, tapping his foot on the floor. 'That little piece of...!' He tapped his fingers on the wooden counter of the bar, seeing glimpses of Kurogiri every now and then. To his left was Shigaraki, who still felt angry at the Hero Killer. Athos rolled his eyes and chanced a glance at his parents. His mother leaned against the wall, massaging her bandaged arm. Meanwhile, his father gazed at his own reflection with a knife. 

What were they even doing? If it was their goal to waste time, then they were doing pretty g—

"Shigaraki..." said a voice. Athos raised his head and looked at a man standing in the door frame, the door being partially opened. "You all have been the talk of the town for the past few days." The boy rolled his eyes, looking back at the photo of Y/N. He still listened in. "I hear you're starting something big—"

"And? Who are they?" Shigaraki asked as he decayed a photo of Izuku Midoriya. Judging by the sounds of footsteps, the man presumably moved out of the way to let someone else come in.

"So it's you, huh?" an unfamiliar voice said. Athos raised his head again, seeing a man. He had black hair, and what looked like scars all over his body. For some reason, despite probably willingly coming here, he didn't look like he cared that much. "I saw a picture of you, but you look gross in person..." Athos suppressed a laugh. His gaze fell on Athos' parents, and then stopped at Athos himself. "We're not the first ones here? That's... unexpected." 

"Pleasure to meet you," Insurgence sarcastically said. "So who are y—"

"Wow, the hand guy!" a feminine voice interrupted, which didn't seem to sit well with Athos' mother. She was moving her hands up and down in excitement, a grin on her face. Her hair looked blonde and she seemed to have yellow-ish eyes? Athos found it hard to tell from the lighting of the bar. "You're friends with the great Stain, right? Right?" Athos winced at this. If there was one thing you could currently say that would confirm you not joining the League of Villains, then it would definitely be mentioning Stain in that kind of way. He mentally chuckled, remembering the lengths he went to in order to make sure he wouldn't be decayed by Shigaraki in his sleep. Quirks like Shigaraki's were annoying. "Let me join, too! The League of Villains!" Athos noticed she had sharp teeth. 

"Kurogiri, get rid of these guys," Shigaraki ordered, pointing his index finger at the two new faces. "Everything I hate came in one set." He pointed at the girl. "A brat," He pointed at the man. "and a rude guy."

"Oh come on, at least give these two a chance," Athos said, but he made sure to keep his distance from Shigaraki just in case. His father continued to play with the knife in his hands, but Athos could tell he was listening in. 

"Athos is right," Kurogiri agreed. "They came all this way to visit, so let's at least hear them out, Tomura Shigaraki." 

"From what I understand of Giran," Athos' father began, now facing the group, "he's what you could call a big shot broker. I doubt he'd bring these two if they didn't have some..." His eyes rested on the girl, his face contradicting what he was saying. "...talent." 

"I don't care what you do with them, but make sure I get my commission, Kurogiri," Giran stated, a lit cigarette in his hand. He stepped forward. "At least let me introduce them. First, this cute high school girl. Her names and face were kept tightly under wraps by the media, but she's on the run as a suspect in a series of death by blood loss."

"I'm Toga! Himiko Toga!" she introduced, smiling. "It's hard to live! I want the world to become an easier place to live!" 'Sounds like a nice enough goal to me...' "I want to become Mr. Stainy! I want to kill Mr. Stainy!" 'Nevermind, this girl's psychotic as hell.' His parents shared looks suggesting them thinking that 'this girl is crazy'. "So let me join the League of Villains, Tomura!" 

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