[Chapter Eleven]: The Obstacle Course

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Was it a genius move to make the gate so narrow when there were so many people? Y/N didn't know, but he found himself, like most people, trying to get their way through the crowd at the beginning. Of course, since it was the start, there'd be less space and more people blocking the way. 

There was lots of yelling, seriously irritating Y/N. He had to do something to get past all of these people. Y/N charged Strength in one of his legs, and, after a deep breath, jumped. The power that was behind the jump, courtesy of Strength, allowed him to jump higher, and thus, he was able to make steady progress by going past most people. 

Strangely, Y/N felt a cold breeze... and then his eyes widened, as he realised something. Reacting quite quickly, he used Strength in his leg again to jump. Just as Y/N expected, that cold breeze turned into ice, which encased the walls and floors. Tch, Todoroki... He spotted the boy using his ice to run past everyone else, who were stuck in the ice. Y/N landed smoothly and ran after him, though found it difficult to keep his balance when there was so much ice. 

There was a lot of noise behind him. He chanced a glance, and proceeded to realise that people were getting past the ice Todoroki had set up. One person stood out to Y/N — Katsuki Bakugo. AH HELL NO! He gritted his teeth determinedly and increased his pace, trying his best to get away from Bakugo and closer to Todoroki. 

'In between two of your class' best students...' Reflection noted. 'Very inconvenient.' 


"You icy-hot bastard!" Y/N heard Bakugo yell, and heard sound of explosions, meaning that— Bakugo flew past him and towards Todoroki. 

"Someone start the party without me?" a voice loudly asked, and Y/N looked up for the source of the voice. That boy from before, the one with the red eyes, was zooming fast in the air. Whatever his Quirk is, it gave him a massive speed boost! ...No, it's not that. And it's not flying, either... Perhaps he used his Quirk like I did for Strength to propel him forward? 

As he ran forward, he caught a glimpse of Carbon running fast, and Walker flying forward with his whips. A boy was teleporting too, but it was short distance and therefore looked rather awkward. 

Mineta was jumping forward by using the balls from his Quirk to avoid the ice and got past Y/N. "You think you're so cool, but I've outsmarted you!" He's definitely talking to Todoroki. "Ha! How pathetic, Todoroki!" He was closing in on Todoroki. "Eat this! My special attack! Gra—" He was hit by a metal fist, ruining what possibly could have been a cool moment. 

Y/N saw what hit Mineta up ahead... giant robots. From everyone's faces, they seemed to have recognised them... Were they the robots from the entrance exam? 

"Are those the zero point villains from the practical test?" he heard Kaminari ask. Oh, of course they were zero points... You make the useless ones the most annoying ones by making them super powerful... 

Todoroki placed a hand on the ground, and after a little visual show, he managed to freeze the villains. After that, he ran between the legs and disappeared through the cloud made by his attack. It's now or never! 

Y/N was about to run after Todoroki, but the villains began to fall. So that was his plan... He froze them off balance! Smart little— Y/N rolled out of the way of an arm falling on him. 

"That's Todoroki from Class 1-A pulling ahead to an early lead with a devastating display!" Present Mic announced.

Y/N looked at further robots approaching, and sighed, while noticing Carbon standing next to him. "Y'know, Carbon, I thought that this would be difficult..." 

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