[Chapter Eight]: So We Finally Meet, One For All

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Darkness. Pure darkness. He could hear muffled noises, hear various voices... but there was nothing for him to make out. For how long did he experience that darkness? Y/N didn't know. But after an unknown amount of time... he opened his eyes. 

"You're finally awake, sonny," an old lady's voice spoke to him, while his eyes blinked repeatedly. After all, seeing light right after experiencing darkness was not the most pleasant experience, especially with how tired Y/N felt. "How are you feeling?" 

He shook his head, rubbed his eyes a little with one of his hands, and set his eyes on the speaker. He was correct; an old lady in a nurse's outfit. "Tired... But I think I'll be fine..." Y/N felt so weak, and wondered where he even was... His eyes weren't allowing him to be able to see his surroundings, so he could only guess the... hospital? That bad? What even happened again?

And then the memories flooded back into his mind, and were permanently cemented into his mind, so he couldn't even forget them even if he tried to. Through the adrenaline, he didn't feel much pain, but Y/N remembered seeing a lot of blood. He mentally gasped. ATHOS! Where is he...!? Was he caught?! But another question came into mind.

"Where... is my twin?" he asked, gazing around the room. From what he could tell, he was... Wait, is this the nurse's office or something? He was on a bed, and he saw that his right fist was in a cast. "Where am I?" 

"Your twin..." she repeated, as she sat on her chair and looked at a piece of paper. "Carbon L/N, correct?" 

"...Carbon L/N, where is he?" Y/N questioned again, looking at her. Carbon wasn't in the room, so he must've gotten out finer than he had. But why wasn't he waiting for him? 

"Originally, he wanted to wait with you here," she began, "...but he was attracting a lot of commotion, since his classmates were asking about you. So much noise is bad for good recovery, you know, so he was forced to leave." 

"Wait a minute..." he muttered, taking another look at the room. "Classmates...? Am I in...? Am I in THE U.A.!?" The nurse sighed. 

"Yes, you are," she answered, and Y/N immediately froze. It was his DREAM to be here! And now he got the excuse to be here! "If you're feeling better, then you can go. But your right hand will need some time to heal fully, as not even I could heal the damage completely. Oh, and you need to go to the principal's office before you leave, since he'd like to ask you some questions." 

Y/N nodded with a smile, and got up, bowing at her. "Thank you!" And with that, he opened the door, leaving the room. For some odd reason, he felt like he heard the nurse say, "Not another one..." but couldn't work out why. However, as Y/N gazed at the hallways of U.A., he realised something. That power from before... 

He remembered it clear as day; a glowing red aura that surrounded his fists. But he was Quirkless, wasn't he? ...Was that his Quirk? Need to ask that voice for some answers... Y/N looked out the window, seeing the Sun begin to set. How long was he unconscious for? Y/N was considering going back to ask, when...

'One For All...' the voice whispered into his ear. 'One For All...' 

Oh wow, I was just starting to miss your presence... 

'One For All...'

Okay, what do you want NOW? 

'One For All is close...' 

Can I get some answers first?


Okay, what the hell was that power I used in the forest?

The Guardian of One For All (MHA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now