[Chapter Twenty-Six]: I-Island

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Y/N hummed to himself, staring outside through the seat's window. The chairs to his side were empty, leaving just him and his voices to contemplate life until the plane landed. Despite that, it was incredibly hard to get bored when you had three other energetic voices inside of your head, ready to transform the dumbest things ever into a real debate that is worth continuing.

He continued to look out the window, curious about whether this would look like a cool cinematic scene. But if it were a cinematic scene, then there would be this whole recap for the adventures he's experienced before getting to this poi—

My name is Y/N L/N, a hero-in-training at U.A.! I've gone through quite a few troublesome 'episodes' ever since Overlord began to train me personally! Now—

insert very uninteresting recap of what's happened so far

And now I'm going to I-Island!

'...When you say...'

{That I want it that way!} 

"Tell me why!"

'Ain't nothin' but a heartache!'

"Tell me why!"

{Ain't nothin' but a mistake!}

"Tell me why!"

I never wanna hear you say...!

'I want it that way!'

Pretty fun.

There was a sudden lurch; the plane must be about to land. With a sigh, their looooooong singing session finally over, Y/N waited patiently for the landing, which took longer than expected as he wasn't doing anything exciting or entertaining. Unfortunately, some time before, he had changed into his hero costume, so he couldn't do that to pass the short time left. 

...Then his phone suddenly began to ring, the abrupt end to the silence causing Y/N to jump. He answered hastily and brought it to his ear, tapping his foot on the plane's floor.

"Hello?" came the voice of Overlord dully. "Are you alive, kid?" 

"Overlord, I can't be calling you on the plane!" Y/N stated, looking around nervously, hoping that someone wouldn't spot him.

"Quite sure that I purposely timed it so that you'd be calling me when the plane landed," Overlord replied as Y/N looked at the window. Indeed, the plane was no longer flying. I'm an idiot. "Anyway, go through the usual process and I guess I'll talk to you later. My calculations and estimate seemed to have been slightly off."

As quickly as he could, he went through the process of immigration, standing still on a black and long conveyor as his body was scanned and holographic details of him appeared. Once that was done, he found himself in the airport, which he spent little to no time exploring. After all, from Uncle Arthur's teachings, he was well aware of the overpriced items an airport could have, so he didn't plan on buying anything. 

After leaving the airport, Y/N stepped forward and began to admire the beauty of I-Island. It had a vast amount of a variety of different types of attractions, all of which seemed to rely on the usage of Quirks. A known fact of the island was that you could use your Quirks in public, which certainly created a clear difference between a regular city and this island. Even the buildings were oddly shaped due to Quirks and made a lot of people look like ants in a size comparison. 

He took out his phone again.


Overlord: There's going to be someone there

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