[Chapter Three]: Training

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'WAIT, WHAT!?' Carbon yelled out in genuine shock. 

It was the next morning, and Y/N had just explained to Carbon and Uncle Arthur what had happened the previous day, excluding the mysterious voice. He had waited the morning after the entrance exam because he didn't want to put the spotlight on him when it was Carbon's time to shine and all. 

To his relief, Carbon had done well on the practical exam, involving some robots of different sizes and worth different points. Normally, someone would have had to kept count in their head, but luckily, Carbon's Quirk was very convenient and shows him his current objectives, which would have also kept count of his total score. 

'This is... surprising,' said his uncle, sipping his coffee as he sat on the couch. 'I was not expecting this to happen at all.' 

'Neither was I,' Y/N admitted with a nervous smile. 'I honestly thought he was messing with me.'

'So... when does it start?' Carbon inquired, sitting down in the space next to Uncle Arthur and facing him. 

'He didn't tell me the exact date,' Y/N answered. 'But he said that he'd call me when it was time, and told me to stay fit in the meantime.' 

'...You have his phone number!?' Carbon shouted, clearly sounding excited. 'That's amazing!' 

Y/N chuckled. 'Yeah.' 

Then he heard a notification on his phone.



Overlord: Don't take autographs btw

Y/N: Huh?

Overlord: And don't tell anyone except your family for now.

Y/N: Yes sir! 

Overlord: And if you call me sir again I'm going to change my mind.

Y/N: Sorry!

Overlord: Don't message me unless it's urgent. 

Y/N: Okay!

Overlord: Also

Overlord: Check out this YT vid for tips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

Y/N: Okay!


Hm... I'll remember to check it out later...

A few days later...

'I GOT IN!' a voice yelled, the words echoing across the house and making Y/N jump. 'I DID IT!' 

He had been doing some push-ups in his room with the door locked, so he felt bad for Uncle Arthur since even Y/N could hear it. Taking a quick sip of water from his bottle, he unlocked and opened his door, and sprinted inside of Carbon's room to figure out what the yelling was all about. 

'I got into U.A!' Carbon exclaimed when he had arrived. Y/N grinned at him, and Carbon returned it with a smile.

'Congratulations,' said Y/N. 'I'm proud of you!' 

'Thanks!' he responded. 'I'll tell you everything about the experience, because I don't want you to be in the dark about it.'

'I'll probably be busy, but thanks, I suppose.' 

'I'm going to go and tell Uncle Arthur!' Carbon said, and he ran out of his room to presumably find Uncle Arthur, even though he probably already knew.

Just as Y/N felt like going after Carbon, he froze, and an immense throbbing in his head came. He held his head with one of his hands to try and soothe the pain, but it was futile. In fact, it seemed like it was getting worse. Y/N was... scared. He didn't know what was going on, and he should have told someone by now. 

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