|32| a dreamwalk

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Aleksander exhaled as he reached out for his wife's mind. He focused on memories of her voice and what she looked like. When he opens his eyes he spotted her. "I know you... my Evangeline."

He walked around the pile of blankets she was using to sleep. He noticed besides her was a tall, lanky man, a top had next to him. He was using a suit jacket to lay his head on. Aleksander felt a pang of jealousy at the sight.

"I know you more than anyone ever will."

Eva stirred in her sleep. "You're dreaming..." he continued. "You're dreaming that this country can still be mended." He hovered his hand over the outline of her body. "But once you realize that there can be no future between Grisha and otkazt'sya... I will be waiting for you. With open arms."

He rested his hand against her cheek. He dragged his hand down, caressing her. "Sweet dreams."

She woke up gasping. Jesper stirred in his sleep as the sudden noise, he wasn't quite up yet though. She rolled him over again and he grabbed his hand and unconsciously snuggled against it.

I'm aware this isn't what a dream walk is but idk man. I couldn't think of what to name it with this being what this chapter is about.

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