45 ¦ Good Morning

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That evening I realized that it was the best I had had in a long time. We talked into the late night and at some point I must have fallen asleep on the blanket. When I was gently awakened by Heeseung, it was already dawn.

A little disoriented, I rubbed my eyes sleepily and looked around. My back hurt a little when I got up, from the hard ground, but when I realized that I had spent the whole night out here with Heeseung, I couldn't help a smile from stealing onto my face.

I felt his gaze on me and turned in his direction. "Morning." He grinned at me "Slept well?"  I nodded, "Did we fall asleep?" "You did, I didn't." "Did you stay up all night?" He just raised his shoulders in reply. "You could have gone to sleep." I felt bad that he had stayed up on the roof because of me.

"You should have woken me up!" "But you were sleeping so peacefully", he countered, his voice sounding unusually soft. He smiled warmly at me and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. Automatically I held my breath and thought of Friday, when we had kissed. I quickly chased away this memory and immediately felt guilty.

I quickly got up to put distance between Heeseung and me. I didn't see any emotion on his face, instead he just stayed seated and looked straight ahead, relaxed. I followed his gaze and noticed that the view was really beautiful. You could see the trees and the sun rising into the sky behind them.

"This is really nice." I murmured and before I realized it, Heeseung had straightened up and was standing next to me. Our arms were touching and I was still wearing his jacket.

"What time is it?" I asked quietly. I didn't really want to know. Today was Monday and I didn't feel like climbing back into my room and being exposed to everyday life again. I wished I could turn back time and prevent myself from falling asleep so I could have savored the moment more.

"Almost 5:30. I thought I'd wake you up a little early so you could climb back into your room unnoticed before your parents notice." He explained. I winced at the thought of my mom. I'm sure she would be pissed if she knew I had slept outside in the freezing cold.

Groaning, I stroked my tangled hair and noticed Heeseung yawning heartily. "I'm so sorry you couldn't sleep because of me." I said again guiltily, but he waved it off. "It's okay." His gaze moved from my face to my window. "I think you should start going inside." I nodded "Yeah you're right."

I reached for one of the blankets and was about to start folding it up, but Heeseung took it from my hand and put it back down. "Leave it I'll do it in a minute." "Okay." I walked toward the window, suddenly wondering how I was ever going to get back up there, but Heeseung settled that question by stepping behind me and grabbing me under the arms.

He lifted me up enough so that I could hold onto the window ledge, then he let go briefly and while I desperately tried to pull myself up, he supported me while pushing a little from underneath. Besides, he had no choice but to get to my buttocks as well, but he tried it mostly on my thighs.

After what felt like an eternity, I finally managed to pull myself up completely. I pushed myself with my head first laboriously through the window and then fell with a sound on the floor. I quickly got up and went to the window. I stuck my head out so far that I could see Heeseung.

"Thanks!" I shouted with my head high and he just shrugged with a grin. "In front of the house in an hour." He replied and at my questioning look, "Let me surprise you!" I smiled slightly and then retreated back to my room.

It was freezing cold because I had left the window open through the night. I quickly scurried into the bathroom and turned the water on hot. While I showered off and the water drops trickled down on me, I thought about why Heeseung wanted to pick me up so early and also tried to suppress that happy feeling that kept pushing up from my stomach into my heart.

I was worried. About me. And about Heeseung. And especially about Jay. I didn't understand what was wrong with me. I liked him. Jay was great, he was nice, considerate, handsome, friendly, intelligent and he was interested in me and my interests.

Heeseung on the other hand, was a real asshole, terribly arrogant and loved to play with other people's feelings. But on the other hand I got to know him completely different, he could also be attentive, humorous and incredibly kind and understanding and I always felt comfortable with him.

I hated myself for not knowing what was going on and when I thought about Jay, tears would come to my eyes because I felt like I was hurting him with what I was doing. It wasn't okay to play with his feelings. I couldn't just go around kissing others when we were a couple and how could I spend so much time with Heeseung when I felt like I was starting to develop feelings for him.

I didn't have to lie to Jay. If I really wanted to be happy with him, then I had to tell him the truth about what happened between Heeseung and me. I resisted telling him the truth because I would hurt him, but I knew I had no choice.

When I got out of the shower, the first thing I did was write to Heeseung that I would not be going with him, but going to school alone. I quickly received a message back from him asking what was going on, but I ignored that first and also his next.

After that, I wrote a message to Sunoo and Riki and asked them to meet me at the school gate an hour before classes started. I needed to talk to them beforehand because I needed someone to talk to now.

I was completely confused and absentmindedly got ready for the day. I said goodbye to my mom, ignoring her puzzled question about where I was going so early. I just wanted to go to my friends and talk to someone who wasn't involved in this whole thing.

A/N: girlie is confused

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