1 ¦ First Encounter

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"Hold still for a second," my tablemate Leya hissed at me. "Sorry," I apologized sincerely and tried to keep quiet, which was really hard for me because the bell rang for break in about two minutes.

I had a bet with Riki and Sunoo that whoever was last in the cafeteria had to invite the others to the movies tonight, and I definitely didn't want to lose.

I had already stowed my pencil case and math book in my school bag, and all that was left in front of me was a pen and my college notebook so I could run as fast as I could.

I was pretty sure that Riki in particular would resort to any means possible to win. I myself had already tried to sneak out of class with the excuse of having girl problems, but all my teacher had said to that was, "Your girl problems can wait five minutes." He had spoken so loudly that even the boys in the last row could understand him and broke out in a rather unmanly giggle.

I stared spellbound at the second hand of the clock above the blackboard.

3...2...1...Ding Dong.

The school bell rang and I grabbed my notepad. Slinging my school bag over one shoulder, I dashed off.

"Hey, you left your pen," Leya called after me, annoyed. I turned to her only briefly and smiled at her. "You can keep it." Then I turned sharply into another corridor and almost flew there.

Perplexed, a few students dodged me and gave me weird looks, but I didn't care. I was sure I was well on time. The cafeteria was only two hallways away and I stepped it up a notch, but was slowed abruptly and rather painfully.

The college notebook slipped from my hand and I fell to the floor. Some students around me giggled, but I ignored them. Let them laugh...

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you," I apologized to the person I had run into. Picking up the sheets that had slipped out of the block and now covered the ground around me, I didn't even notice who I had run into at first. And it wasn't until I straightened up and raised my eyes to the tall person who had loomed menacingly in front of me that I recognized him.

I had run into Lee Heeseung, of all people, the meanest type of boy there was at our school. He got into a fight with someone at least once a week and was especially known for his sportsmanship. This involved football as well as bed sports, so I was told. I didn't doubt that the look on his face amounted to the former.

The bad kind of guys.

His eyebrows were drawn together and he scowled down at me. Literally, because not only was I pretty short, but he was incredibly tall, which made the distinction that much more obvious.

"Shit." I muttered and took a step back. Heeseung followed me and looked at me. "Watch where you're going," he warned me in a harsh and intimidating voice. I could only nod weakly and breathed a sigh of relief when he abruptly turned and walked away in the opposite direction.

With a deep exhale, I leaned against the wall behind me and ran my fingers through my hair. I could forget about the race now anyway, because Riki and Sunoo were almost certainly already sitting at our table in the cafeteria, taunting me with triumphant grins.

I saved myself from running the rest of the way - partly to avoid further collisions - and made my way to the cafeteria, shuffling.

As expected, my two best friends were already sitting at our table, praising each other for doing well. "We're looking forward to the extra popcorn tonight," Riki greeted me with a smile.

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