6 ¦ Bumpy Ride

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My plan to take the bus unfortunately became moot because it didn't come. I waited at the bus stop for twenty minutes. My bus only drove every hour, and because it was faster in terms of time, I simply made my way home by foot.

I ignored the fact that dark clouds were already gathering in the sky and that it looked like rain. It took me about twenty-five minutes to get to our new house, at least that's what Google maps said, but since I had never made the trip alone or on foot before, I took one wrong turn and went ten minutes in the wrong direction, adding twenty minutes to my walk.

I was already regretting not having waited for the next bus and was totally annoyed anyway when it finally started to rain. I pulled my hood deep into my face, but it rained so hard that my hair was still completely soaked within a few minutes.

My pants were dripping wet and I still had almost fifteen minutes to go, which didn't make it any better. I noticed a motorcycle passing me and it looked strangely familiar.

Suddenly it stopped and waited until I was at the appropriate height. The rider pushed up his visor and I recognized Heeseung. His face was as frowning as ever and I was expecting some stupid comment about me being so wet, but instead he just turned around, took a helmet out of the luggage compartment behind him and held it out to me.

Somewhat caught by surprise, I looked first at the helmet and then at him. He sighed in annoyance and rolled his eyes. "Get on." He asked me expressionlessly. For a moment I was so surprised that I didn't move.

"Either you get on now or I'll go on alone." He sounded annoyed, but still looked at me with a facial expression that seemed a little softer than usual.

I took the helmet from his hand and climbed on his bike behind him. I had never ridden one of these things before and was unsure where to put my feet and where to hold on to without getting in Heeseung's way.

He seemed to sense my uncertainty. He pointed to a piece of ledge on the back side of the machine "Put your feet there and hold on to me." I clung to his jacket, my heart pounding wildly. But Heeseung grabbed my wrists and slid them under the jacket. He wrapped them around his torso enough that my hands met again and I was close behind him.

"You'll lose your balance if you just hold on to the jacket." He explained quietly and only a moment later he accelerated abruptly. A startled sound escaped me and I pressed myself even closer to his back to avoid falling off the back of the bike.

My heart was beating even faster than before and I closed my eyes so as not to see how fast we were going. The wind tugged at my hair, but I hardly noticed the rain because Heeseung's body shielded most of mine.

At first I didn't even notice that we were already standing in front of Heeseung's house, but then I quickly loosened my grip around him and climbed off the machine. My pulse slowly calmed down again when I finally had solid ground under my feet.

I took off my helmet and looked to Heeseung, who followed suit. "Um, thanks." I said, a little embarrassed. It felt strange to thank him and it was also strange that no one threw anything at the other. He nodded curtly and kept his neutral expression.

I tried a tentative smile and handed him the helmet, which he accepted and stowed away again. "Well then... I guess I'd better go in." I gestured into the now diminishing rain. "Good idea. We don't want the rest of your makeup to run too." He took one significant look at my face and then turned around without a goodbye. I gave him the middle finger behind his back and called after him, "I'm not wearing any makeup today you idiot!" "Then it must just be your face."

Dumbfounded, I stared after him as he pushed his motorcycle into the garage and then disappeared into the house. And I was beginning to think he might be nice too! "Clara, are you coming in?" my mom called out sternly. I turned to see her standing in the doorway of our house, looking over at me through the rain.

As I entered the hallway and took off my wet shoes and socks, which were also soaked, I noticed my mom giving me a stern look. "Sorry I'm late. The bus didn't come and then I got lost too." I explained.

My mom looked skeptical and put her hands on her hips. "Don't lie to me." She said admonishingly and I furrowed my brows in confusion. "I saw you come with that guy on his motorcycle, didn't I?"

I looked at her uncomprehendingly "He picked me up on the way so I wouldn't have to walk through the rain." "I don't want you to get on one of those things ever again." Energetically she took a step toward me "And certainly not in weather like this. It's absolutely irresponsible of him to just take you like that and you shouldn't just get on it."

She was just acting like I was riding along with a stranger. "Mom, I know him and besides, I had a helmet on and nothing happened." I tried to calm her, but her face only got angrier.

"You are not getting back on there, do you understand me?" I nodded. She looked pleased "Good, I made cake, wash your hands and then come to the table." She left me flabbergasted and returned to the kitchen.

Lewis took her place and smiled at me "She's just worried." He explained warmly "How was school?" I returned his smile and nodded "Fine. Uhm I'm going to go change, will you let mom know?"

He just nodded and  I turned around to walk up the stairs to my new room.

A/N: I hate overprotective parents (lucky mine are not like that)

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