9 ¦ Test Passed

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My mother was skeptical when I told her I was going out with Jay. It was Saturday by now and Jay would be there in less than an hour to pick me up. Normally, my mom rarely had a problem with me going out on the weekends, but the problem seemed to lay elsewhere as well.

You see, my mom believed that I was really not meeting Jay, but Heeseung. 

"Mom, he's coming to pick me up here, you can tell it's not Heeseung." I said protesting. She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "He's a friend of his for sure, and he probably has equally bad manners." She wrinkled her nose. I almost felt like she was refusing to call Heeseung by name. 

"They're not friends." I lied. I knew she wouldn't let me go if I told her it was different. Jay was very different from Heeseung, but he wouldn't even get the chance to show it.

"I'll see him first before I agree." Stated my mother. I groaned, "Mom. I'm not 10 anymore..." I launched one last attempt but she remained stubborn. "My terms." I finally gave in and retreated to my room. 

As I got ready, I muttered soft curses under my breath. I found it annoying that my mom thought she could always tell me what to do. I knew she was worried about me and didn't want to lose me, especially after what happened with my dad, but she still had to stop watching my every move.

I almost wished she cared as little about me as she did when she could barely get out of bed. I shook my head in disbelief as I caught myself thinking that. 

No... It wasn't supposed to be like this. Never again... It had been horrible to see my mother suffer like that. I had hardly been able to bear it. How I had had to drag her out of bed every morning to get her to go to work. 

How I found her on the sofa every time after I came home from school. Mostly crying and sometimes with an empty wine bottle next to her. She had let herself go completely. She had stopped taking on the role of mother and left the household and everything else to me. 

We had constantly received letters from my school because I was so often late for class or missing my homework, but my mother hadn't cared. That time had been the worst of my life. Never again did I want to see my mother suffer like that. 

Yes, she had changed and maybe she was too bossy and treated me like a toddler, but anything was better than her grieving, desperate self. 

The ringing of our front doorbell snapped me out of my thoughts and I startled. I was afraid my mom would squeeze it if I didn't make my way downstairs in a hurry. My gaze slid to my mirror one last time. I had only put on a subtle amount of makeup and an outfit had been kept just as simple. 

Since it was quite cold outside and I did not know where Jay wanted to go with me, I had put on a pair of dark blue baggy jeans and a normal hoodie. Over that I wore an oversized coat in dark blue.

I grabbed my black Dr. Martens shoes, which had only a small heel and ran down the stairs. There was no one in the hallway, but I heard Jay's voice from the kitchen. I quickly slipped on my shoes and wrapped a scarf around my neck before smiling and entering the room. 

My mom just asked Jay something and I noticed a slight frown on Jay's face. Embarrassed, I cleared my throat and walked up to him. We hugged and over his shoulder I could see my mom's hesitant nod. I breathed a sigh of relief and smiled gratefully.

Seemed like Jay passed the test. 

"Well, you two have a good evening." She said kindly after we had disengaged. I walked ahead into the hallway and Jay followed me. His hand was lightly against my back. "I'll bring your daughter home safely at 12:00 sharp." Promised my companion to my mom as we left our house, which my mom commented with a confident smile.

We made our way to his car and Jay obligingly opened the door for me. I felt liberated as we sat in the car and he started the engine. "Your mom is nice." He said with a smile and I snorted. "I think you mean she's annoying and a terrible control freak." I rolled my eyes and Jay laughed. 

"Well, she is kind of nosy." "What did she ask you?" He looked at me. "Whether I'm friends with Heeseung." He replied. I groaned and squinted my eyes. This was going to be trouble when I got home. 

"Don't worry, I said no." He grinned "I had a feeling that question was there for a reason and knowing Hee, that answer seemed best." "Thanks." I said and smiled warmly at him. 

He had lied for me. Yet we hadn't known each other long at all. A warm feeling flowed through me and I couldn't stop smiling to myself.

* * *

I enjoyed my evening with Jay very much. It had been pleasant to talk with him. First we had gone to a restaurant and then to a movie. We talked about everything and never seemed to run out of things to talk about. 

Jay was quite different from what I had expected and he almost showered me with compliments, which made me blush almost throughout.

As we parted, he had clearly tried to kiss me, but I had been unsure if I was ready for that yet, so I had dodged at the last moment and planted a kiss on his cheek.

A/N: Hmm should she get together with Jay? *sneaky smirk*

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