24 ¦ Spill The Tea

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"What was that in the schoolyard this morning? Everyone's talking about you." Said Sunoo instead of a greeting, right after my first class. I had no idea how my two boys had done it, but Riki and Sunoo were already standing outside my classroom when I left it.

I heard two girls whispering as they left the room behind me, and I turned fleetingly to look at them, surprised to find that they were looking at me. Uncertainly, I smiled at them, whereupon they only started whispering more and disappeared into the throng of students. I turned to my friends and looked at them.

"What do you think?" Riki sighed in annoyance and Sunoo rolled his eyes before hooking up with me and pulling me along with him. Riki stayed at our level and placed herself on my other side.

"Sweetie. First you call Riki and ask him to cover you so you can sleep with Jay." I gave Riki a dirty look for just telling Sunoo about it and he raised his arms apologetically, grinning though. Sunoo tugged on my arm to get my attention back and I looked at him. "And then also this situation with Heeseung. He drove you to school? Why? And then this eye duel between Jay and Heeseung."

He was all excited and talking way too loud for my taste. I wriggled out of his grip as he turned into the hallway where my locker was. "Okay," I began as I started fiddling with my combination lock. "I stayed at Jay's because I had a fight with my mom and had nowhere else to go. It was also more of a coincidence because he picked me up in the rain."

I looked sternly at Sunoo, who had made a snorting noise, and he just grinned. "We didn't do anything together or anything either. We just sat next to each other and watched a movie and then we went to sleep, each in our own bed." I emphasized my words.

However, to my regret, Riki still looked just as skeptical as Sunoo, who was now going in a different direction. "Alright, so what's this about Heeseung? Since when do you guys ride to school together?" he huffed.

I sighed and brushed my hair behind my ear as I desperately tried to open the locker door, only when Riki helped me did it finally swing open. "It's a long story." I explained resignedly. Riki nodded slightly "We have time, you little dwarf."

I just shook my head and for some reason, I was embarrassed to make this confession to the two of them "Heeseung and I are together." The two of them opened their eyes in astonishment and now I found the whole thing a little amusing, which is why I took a little longer to come out with the whole truth.

"I mean we're not really together." "What do you mean, not really?" Sunoo looked confused. "We're just pretending. Our parents are supposed to think it's so Heeseung can get permission to take a year abroad."

My friends looked at me without understanding and sighing, I began to tell them the whole story. "And why are you doing him this favor?" I raised my shoulders and slammed the locker shut, shaking my head. "I honestly have no idea."

Riki smiled gently at me. "I guess you just couldn't deny him that wish, but if that idiot hurts you in any way, I'll take him down." Sunoo nodded in agreement. "Exactly, and please just don't fall in love with him."

I laughed "For God's sake, no!" I exclaimed in horror and the two of them started laughing as well, though Riki looked a little worried.

Lovingly he put an arm around my shoulder and looked down at me "You're just way too sweet a person." He said and I leaned my head against his shoulder, smiling.  I appreciated that they both cared and I loved them all the more for it.


I waited for him at Jay's car, which was parked right near the school entrance, and as he stepped through the door and looked around searchingly, a slight tingle ran through my stomach.

When he caught sight of me he came up to me smiling. "Sorry to keep you waiting." He apologized immediately and opened the car door for me. Involuntarily I had to think of Heeseung. I didn't believe he had ever opened the door for a girl.

Confused at my own thoughts, I hummed and shook my head and smiled at Jay in thanks. When Jay had walked around the car and sat in the driver's seat, I folded my hands nervously in my lap.

Jay started the engine and put his hand on the back of my seat to turn around and see if he could drive. We pulled out of the parking space and out of the school parking lot immediately after.

The silence between us was not awkward, but still I was looking for a topic of conversation. "Thanks for driving me." I thanked him rather unimaginatively. "No problem. I'm happy to do it." He smiled sweetly, "And besides, I wanted to invite you anyway."

"Invite me? What for?" I asked curiously. "A friend is having a party on Friday, and I was wondering if you would come over too." He looked at me a little uncertainly. "You can bring your friends, of course. The two you always hang out with."

I smiled "That's really sweet-" I began "But I don't really like going to parties." "Oh." he sounded a little disappointed and I was sorry for that. I sighed and then followed up with, "But I'll think about it."

I watched his mood brighten a little at that and immediately felt much better, although I was sure I probably wouldn't go to that party anyway.

A/N: Its a yes or no girl, not a maybe

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