30 ¦ The Deal

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Tired, I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. The blinds were still up and the sun's rays that fell in warmed my cheeks. I wanted to stretch, but then I noticed a strong arm around my waist. 

I froze, thinking and replaying last night in my mind's eye. I had been drinking with Jay, a little too much, because first of all my head was throbbing terribly and secondly I could hardly remember anything afterwards. 

There had been something with Heeseung, but I didn't know exactly what. And who was the person in my bed? When my eyes fell on a chest directly in front of me, I had to muster all my self-control to lift my gaze higher, because even though he was wearing a T-shirt, his muscles stood out clearly under the fabric.

I froze again as my gaze fell on the stranger's face and gasped in fright. It was Heeseung...

Heeseung was lying in my bed and he had an arm around me, his hand was on my bare stomach and I panicked. What had happened yesterday?

A little awkwardly, I tried to turn to put some distance between us, but my right leg was trapped and I was startled to realize that I must have shoved it between his while I was sleeping. The only thing that reassured me was that I could feel the fabric of his jeans, which already ruled out my worst fear. However, my leg still wouldn't let go. 

I sighed and thought about what to do now while looking at his face. Striking facial features that looked a little strained even in sleep, yet somehow seemed soft. His eyelashes cast shadows on his cheeks and a few strands of hair fell into his forehead. 

Without thinking, I raised my hand and touched his hair. My fingertips only lightly brushed his forehead, but suddenly he moved and I froze in my movement, startled. But Heeseung did not open his eyes, but turned a little more in my direction. He pulled me a little closer to him and then his eyelids fluttered and I idiot considered just closing my eyes and pretending to sleep, but by then it was too late. 

Heeseung opened his eyes and his stormy gray eyes glared at me. The pupils dilated a little and a confused expression on his face. My hand was still resting next to his head on the pillow and I felt the blush slowly rise to my face as Heeseung pulled his leg down from mine so that I could pull mine back as well.

Quickly I pulled my hand towards me and cleared my throat. I tried to take my eyes off his, but his shining eyes were looking at me so intently that I could not. While I lay there trying to push back the panic, Heeseung did what he always did. He grinned. 

"I told you I had to look out for you." There was something like triumph in his voice, but he still didn't avert his gaze. I frowned, because Heeseung didn't seem to have a hangover and I couldn't remember him being drunk yesterday, which meant he could remember everything that had happened yesterday. 

Uncertainty plagued me and I overcame myself to ask him the question that interested me, even if it was going to be awkward. "Did I, I mean did we-" I broke off, hoping Heeseung understood me the same way, but his grin widened and he waited with raised eyebrows.

I groaned in frustration, "Did we kiss or something?" Heeseung turned on his back and smirked in amusement. "If we kissed?" I nodded. "Hm, let me think, there was some dark haired girl I made out with but I'm not sure.... Maybe it was you, but I can't say for sure either." 

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