2 ¦ Little Incident

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Riki drove me home after school and helped me pack my moving boxes afterwards. My father died of cancer two years ago. My mother had been devastated and had withdrawn from the outside world since then.

She didn't want to meet any new men either, but a year and a half ago Lewis joined the company where my mother worked. He was the department manager and made a pretty good salary, but my mother didn't care. Even though Lewis was very obviously courting her, she kept turning him down until eventually she gave in and went on a date with him. From then on, they met more often and eventually they became a couple.

I had been overjoyed to see my mother finally walking down the street again, humming to herself with a smile. Even before I had met Lewis in person, I liked him because he made my mother happy.

When I finally met him, I quickly understood why my mother had fallen in love with him. He was not only quite attractive for his age, but beyond that, incredibly likeable. Since they had been together for a year now, they had decided to move in together a few months ago.

Lewis had found a nice house in a nicer part of town and promptly bought it. My mother had insisted on making her own contribution, even if it was only a small one.

Lewis had already been living in the new house for two weeks and was busy renovating and furnishing. My mother and I would probably be ready tomorrow to have all our stuff cleared out of our old apartment and move in.

I was already looking forward to being able to put up the closets and put my things away starting tomorrow. I would be so happy to finally not have to live out of boxes.

After spending a few hours going back and forth, Riki and I finally made our way to the movie theater where we met up with Sunoo. Since I was paying for the tickets, I got to pick the movie, which of course I immediately took advantage of.

I chose a romance movie and after much bickering from my two boys, I finally gave in and bought them their popcorn.

We were fifteen minutes late because Sunoo was running late as usual and when we entered the movie theater, it was already dark and commercials were flickering across the screen. Sunoo went ahead and looked for our row of seats and I stumbled behind. With my fingers I clawed into Riki's T-shirt so as not to lose them both.

Riki pushed me in front of her in the row, so that I sat between the two. During the movie I helped myself from the popcorn bags on the left and right. In front of me sat a couple that could have saved themselves the movie because they were just kissing each other the whole time anyway.

Riki was having fun throwing popcorn at them, but they were so busy with each other that they didn't even notice.

When the credits rolled on the screen, I stayed seated for another minute. I wiped the tears from my cheeks and reached into the bag. Frustration eating had to be.

Sunoo next to me also sniffled and Riki handed us a pack of tissues with a grin. I actually already had them in my hand, but then the package slipped out of my hands.

I tried to catch it and leaned forward, but I tipped the popcorn bag in my lap and before I could react, the entire content was spilled on the couple in front of me.

Sunoo looked at me in shock and Riki snorted. I myself turned bright red as the couple turned around and gave me a nasty look. The girl had dark hair and equally dark eyes and I recognized her.

It was Leya, my tablemate, who couldn't stand me anyway. But what topped it all was her companion, because he was none other than Heeseung. Riki realized at the same moment who he had in front of him, as I did, and his laughter stuck in his throat.

I tried a weak smile and raised my hand as if to wave to them. Leya had her annoyed look on her face that she always had when she looked at me and Heeseung looked at me with narrowed eyes. In the dim light of the movie theater, his hazel hair looked almost golden and his eyes sparkled at me. He looked at me as if wondering where he knew me from.

"You again." said Leya in a haughty voice, tossing her hair over her shoulder. Her gaze wandered disparagingly over my body. "Hi," I replied sheepishly. "Sorry." I pointed to the popcorn in her lap. She snorted, and Heeseung still looked thoughtful.

I tried a tentative smile. "You- ehm... have popcorn in your hair there," I said to him. His brows lifted a bit and he ran his hand through his hair, but the popcorn remained stuck in it. Without thinking, I bent down and fished it out of his hair.

Suddenly his facial expression changed "You're the one who knocked me down today, aren't you?" he asked grimly. I played with the hem of my top "Yeah, well, it was actually you who knocked me down, wasn't it? I mean, I fell down, not you. Would have been weird if you were at my feet, too."

God what nonsense shit was I talking again? Riki chuckled softly and earned an annoyed look from Heeseung. I smiled at them both in an exaggeratedly friendly manner and hooked up with Sunoo to symbolize to him that we should go.

"Well, it was really nice to see you guys here but we have to go now. See you in math Leya." I waved at them, ignoring Leya's scowling mutterings. Riki also waved with a grin, "Ciao!"

As we stepped out of the movie theater into the fresh air, I breathed a sigh of relief. While I was happy that Heeseung hadn't torn us to pieces, Riki was fighting a fit of laughter and Sunoo was grinning to himself.

Admonishingly, I looked at the two of them "That's not funny, you idiots!" Riki shrugged "It kinda is." I scowled at him and walked ahead to the car. The two boys followed me.

A/N: Coincidence? I dont think so

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