44 ¦ Stargazing

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I watched as Heeseung elegantly swung through my window. He winked at me and then casually jumped onto the garage roof, a few seconds later I heard him land. Finally, with a sigh, I followed his lead and climbed out.

It can't be that hard, I thought to myself, but when I looked down, the height difference seemed much greater than two meters. Heeseung stood below and looked up at me, unsteadily I clung to the window ledge.

"Well, that's higher than it looks." I admitted aloud, and Heeseung grinned. "Scared, huh?" I shook my head. "No!", then I looked back down. "Okay, maybe a little." Heeseung nodded with a grin. "All right. I'll help you." "How?" "Listen. You're going to turn around slowly and hold onto the outside of the window sill."  I obeyed, feeling even more insecure now that I couldn't see which way was down.

"Good." praised Heeseung. "Now put your feet up against the wall." I wasn't even wearing shoes, why wasn't I wearing shoes? Nevertheless, I did as he said and let myself hang down a bit further. Suddenly I felt two hands on my waist and Heeseung's voice was much closer.

"I can hold you now. You just have to let yourself hang down a little further and then you'll jump." "Jump?" I squeaked in near panic. "Yeah, don't worry I got you." I nodded slightly unsure "Alright."

I could hear Heeseung's smile in his voice as he said, "On three, one.... two.... three!" I let go and jumped, though my feet didn't quite bounce gently on the ground, Heeseung cushioned the jump.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I involuntarily leaned against him, feeling his hands at my side and his chest at my back. His breathing on the back of my neck gave me goosebumps, and I felt transported back to last night, when I had danced just like this with Jay. Only it had felt very different then, Heeseung felt better.

I recoiled from my thoughts myself and quickly stepped back. "All right." I said. "So what are we doing here now?" Heeseung raised his shoulders and smiled slightly. "Talking, I'd say." I put my hands on my hips "Seriously? Couldn't we have done this in my room?" I asked, a little pissed off.

Heeseung grinned at me and raised an eyebrow provocatively "That would have been boring." "No, that's just what you call normal." I strolled to the edge of the roof and found that there was a blanket there. "I thought the floor might be a little cold to sit on.", Heeseung explained, then fiddled with the waistband of his jeans. I noticed that he had another blanket with him, which was wrapped around his waist.

"And then-" he said, coming over to me. "Do I have another one against de cold." He put it over my shoulders and I was amazed. "Wow, I've never seen you like this." I teased and Heeseung laughed. "What can I say-" He sat down next to me. "I'm always good for a surprise." "Well, that's true." I muttered.

We were silent for a while. "So, what happened with Jay now?" Heeseung asked quietly. "Huh?" "Why did he call?" "Oh." I looked down at my lap "He apologized." "For yesterday..." It sounded less like a question. "Yeah. He said he was sorry and that this kind of thing doesn't usually happen." Heeseung shushed, "It should never happen."

Surprised, I looked at him and he returned the look, "If it happens again, let me know, will you?" His expression was serious and somehow concerned... I was confused.

"Why do you suddenly care about me?" He looked away and raised his shoulders. "It has nothing to do with you. You just don't treat a girl like that..." He hesitated, "Besides, you're not as bad as I thought. Oh, and if my mom knew I wasn't looking out for you, she'd kill me, because she really likes you."

I smiled. "Wow, you're not as bad as I thought either, Heeseung." We fell silent again. "By the way, my mom asked if you wanted to have breakfast with us tomorrow. I told her you probably don't have time-" I interrupted him. "Tell her I'd love to come, what time should I be there?" "At nine? You can come a little later, we usually don't eat until about nine-thirty." "Fine, I'll be there around nine then."

We smiled at each other briefly and Heeseung then leaned back and looked up at the sky. I followed his example and was amazed to see the many stars. We didn't live that close to the lit downtown area, so the light pollution was low enough to make out a few constellations. Heeseung cleared his throat, "Sometimes I like to look at the stars here." He said softly. I laughed "You're lying." "You're right, I've never done that before."

We laughed and I felt myself relax. "I used to go stargazing with a dad a lot." I said. "Really?" Heeseung asked curiously. "Yes, he even had a telescope. He explained to me which constellations you could just see and that some of the stars up there are already dead, but we don't know that because the light doesn't reach us until much later."

I sighed in remembrance of that. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Heeseung turn his head in my direction. "Can you show me some constellations?", he asked, and I was a little surprised. But still, I started telling him which stars to connect and what stories they had, because almost every constellation had one.

"You see there the three stars? And the two stars above them? One of them looks a little reddish. That's a super nova, an exploded star, so to speak, and below that are two more stars. If you connect all the stars, it looks a little bit like two triangles. That's Orion. And the three stars that are closer together are his belt. He also has a sword, but it's not dark enough to see it." Heeseung smiled.

"And there!" I said, pointing in another direction "The stars that are arranged like a W." "You mean the crown?" "Yes! That's the celestial W. She's the queen and her name is Cassiopeia."

A/N: revealing his cute side :))

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